19-6  股份有限公司主要经济指标(2005年)
main economic indicators of stock system enterprises,2005
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)        
       item 单位数 注册资本 年末资产 固定资产             流动资产                            年末股东                             存货跌价损失       投资 营业外              研究开
#本  累计对外 #本年对     年 平 均 应收帐款 年末负债     (所有者)       主营业务 #主营业  #主营业务     新 产 品 出口销售 和营业、管理、   #劳动待  
(个)                         外投资                          权益合计 (实收资本)  收  入  务成本  税金及附加 业务收入 销售收入 总  值 财务等费用合计 #税金 业保险费 #利息支出 收益 收 入      所得税  增值税   发费用
number of enterprises (unit) total registered capital total assets at the
original value of fixed assets cumulative depreciation  current year depreciation cumulative foreign investment current year foreign investment inventory annual average balance of circulating funds total account receivable total liabilities at the year-end liquid liabilities total shareholders' (creditors') equity at the year-end capital stock (total capital hold)  main business revenue business cost taxes and extra other business sales revenue of new products total export losses of stock due to drop in price and expenses on operation management and finance taxes expenses on labor and unemployed insurance interest expenditure investment
income tax payable value added tax payable expenditure on research and development
    total 209 3400173 62529414 6267257 2059885 333703 1589840 167681 2453089 36463668 1374910 55538658 33262327 6990756 3412678 14427296 12288730 150852 201734 1972479 2279333 1547403 21976 36946 182189 355153 24575 728497 219067 169888 170009
一、按控股情况分 grouped by share held
  国有及国有控股  state-owned and state-holding   57 1450828 54648100 3271242 1015276 163594 643029 82675 1207175 32376780 566810 50778978 29297718 3869122 1453000 8554305 7224140 120743 121552 1416900 707512 978101 12599 26257 65553 293735 10403 530414 179245 102548 76492
    国有绝对控股   shares absolutely held by state 36 685655 4946172 2233457 666420 108157 450124 62136 627125 2171678 191067 3137564 2746202 1808608 687755 2902983 2449681 35009 77467 924515 240681 349571 4462 15382 38131 29914 2823 120522 48752 72795 33898
    国有相对控股   shares relatively held by state              21 765173 49701928 1037785 348856 55437 192905 20539 580050 30205102 375743 47641414 26551516 2060514 765245 5651322 4774459 85734 44085 492385 466831 628530 8137 10875 27422 263821 7580 409892 130493 29753 42594
  集体控股  shares by collective 10 48262 137066 73505 34800 5756 6270 2413 21462 81043 16756 36481 28172 100585 48975 51327 31494 678 1742 30667 10843 10021 95 642 -18 -22 409 10196 1366 2997 2719
    集体绝对控股   shares absolutely held by collective              6 16552 40039 9665 3140 586 4715 2413 10646 27519 660 25146 20597 14893 16552 6773 5193 209 67 1444 9 53 152 -22 335 200 42 59
    集体相对控股   shares relatively held by collective       4 31710 97027 63840 31660 5170 1555 10816 53524 16096 11335 7575 85692 32423 44554 26301 469 1675 30667 10843 8577 86 589 -170 74 9996 1324 2938 2719
  其他  others      142 1901083 7744248 2922510 1009809 164353 940541 82593 1224452 4005845 791344 4723199 3936437 3021049 1910703 5821664 5033096 29431 78440 524912 1560978 559281 9282 10047 116654 61440 13763 187887 38456 64343 90798
二、按登记注册类型分 grouped by registration ownership
  国有企业   state-owned
  公司制企业  corporation 209 3400173 62529414 6267257 2059885 333703 1589840 167681 2453089 36463668 1374910 55538658 33262327 6990756 3412678 14427296 12288730 150852 201734 1972479 2279333 1547403 21976 36946 182189 355153 24575 728497 219067 169888 170009
    国有独资企业   companies exclusively funded by state                
    其他有限责任公司   other limited liability companies
    股份有限公司   share-holding companies 209 3400173 62529414 6267257 2059885 333703 1589840 167681 2453089 36463668 1374910 55538658 33262327 6990756 3412678 14427296 12288730 150852 201734 1972479 2279333 1547403 21976 36946 182189 355153 24575 728497 219067 169888 170009
    中外合资企业   sino-foreign joint ventures
    港澳台合资企业   joint ventures by hongkong, macao & taiwan
  其他  others                       
三、按企业规模分 grouped by size of enterprices
  大型  large 24 909569 5803640 2653970 928010 156249 531200 37379 1103495 3014563 557169 3690952 3100724 2112688 912929 7714381 7008815 18334 112689 1385898 1498109 624505 6812 21111 94033 35183 7480 120692 22202 105589 100453
  中型  medium-sized 64 1143700 4855283 2196936 795779 110354 483954 46447 830847 2089993 400105 2590965 2206239 2264318 1150200 2898287 2403779 32448 73117 569055 567318 370433 6466 10330 64541 33828 8075 172533 43267 55559 59170
  小型  small 68 335581 860694 270763 104608 12658 100881 13665 52832 415715 170993 436028 336712 424666 338386 407416 353938 2695 7068 12206 27865 49403 898 1340 11960 -8143 1280 -6931 3675 5945 6368
  其他  others 53 1011323 51009797 1145588 231488 54442 473805 70190 465915 30943397 246643 48820713 27618652 2189084 1011163 3407212 2522198 97375 8860 5320 186041 503062 7800 4165 11655 294285 7740 442203 149923 2795 4018
四、按主营行业分 grouped by sector of main business
  农、林、牧、渔业   farming, forestry, animal husbandy and fishery 1 1426 1885 180 75 3 700 2059 1076 1000 1000 885 1426 19 1 -19
  工业   industry 113 1982548 9103910 4521136 1644369 252777 653901 56776 1594187 4374769 920634 5327203 4359717 3776707 1989681 7477621 6415257 36602 175029 1966492 1463229 904651 11651 28252 148641 9933 12610 175159 54197 158665 165420
   采矿业     mining and quarrying 2 26770 133903 37736 7029 2169 4992 2187 3374 53621 1168 74175 70518 59728 26770 75039 50523 951 111 8293 46 1325 454 105 6 15422 6671
   制造业     manufacturing 100 1799543 8418812 4171644 1523585 238011 575202 49934 1566085 4148372 889057 5019778 4138461 3399034 1806676 7327021 6320942 35010 172793 1966492 1463229 871115 11349 25786 139213 21717 11999 164401 50576 147442 165420
    production and supply of electricity gas
         and water
11 156235 551195 311756 113755 12597 73707 4655 24728 172776 30409 233250 150738 317945 156235 75561 43792 641 2125 25243 256 1141 8974 -11889 605 -4664 3621 4552
  建筑业   construction 2 13158 132838 4137 3987 822 785 71822 94412 15404 113920 113920 18918 15258 51646 48787 1645 268 1459 24 130 282 44 501 173 46
  交通运输、仓储和邮政业   transport, storage and post services 15 235656 1110178 982542 194850 34104 64049 12591 2254 117077 29962 420447 225438 689731 235656 261985 125405 9771 4232 33899 1343 1630 10619 18471 1942 116392 29717 32
  information transmission, computer software
          and services
16 86509 199112 28341 8292 1360 48588 7800 7992 82595 12421 89078 88953 110034 91509 153778 29042 499 1209 5320 16511 291 358 1143 2726 87 -2062 668 1433 2698
  批发和零售业   wholesale and retail trade 27 261513 1754305 200878 53455 9157 421065 36824 318970 976484 177431 1104401 1060153 649904 264945 3363015 3212449 11227 13744 667 630063 116306 1208 2820 16474 34330 2594 77237 10786 8396 571
  住宿和餐饮业   lodgings and catering services 2 11312 13462 7375 484 193 58 926 70 2278 728 11184 11312 641 188 49 13 585 1 1 124 3 -165
  金融业   finance 3 516487 48861211 415182 127391 25560 263174 43608 29822719 171768 47559626 26598038 1301585 516487 2593845 2021791 76687 2423 405972 5068 2752 -14767 285724 6259 355982 114810 1268
  房地产业   real estate 21 248160 1215062 86561 23238 6353 118265 9254 457776 941639 44332 841647 755581 373415 243000 487780 410187 13657 4664 186041 55881 1495 720 18042 348 300 -4370 8145 1359 52
  租赁和商务服务业   rent and business services 7 36004 88860 2303 505 155 18118 19 44420 469 45337 32825 43523 36004 23123 19992 242 150 5899 19 59 1044 3536 276 8460 7
science research,technology services and geological
1 2000 3682 218 45 25 1195 828 3 2536 99 1101 1101 2581 2000 855 196 45 2 229 12 -5 448 67
  水利、环境和公共设施管理业   water conservancy, environment and public
        facilities management
1 5400 44909 18404 3194 3194 8 4032 1244 32620 24873 12289 5400 13007 5436 428 5992 876 211 592 41 3 1262 624 3
总计比上年增长(%) increase rate in 2005 to 2004     27.9 10.6 18.5 12.8 0.1 -32.0 12.5 29.2 11.9 32.1 27.1 2.0 3.0 21.4 24.0 24.5 -10.7 50.8 3.4 18.6 8.5 6.6 23.4 81.7 52.7 -7.3 2.4 -2.6 24.8