15-17  社会救济与捐赠工作情况
basic statistics on social relief and donation 
      item 2004 2005
一、社会救济 social relief    
   (一)城镇居民最低生活保障人数(人)   number of persons receiving lowest cost- of -living in urban
       area (person)
201772 200904
       在职人员     employed persons 8517 6058
       下岗人员     laid-off persons 40327 36048
       退休人员     retired persons 6902 4897
       失业人员     unemployed persons 33260 29296
      “三无”人员     persons without stable residence, employment and identity 14731 12976
       其他人员     other persons 98035 111629
   (二)农村低保情况 condition of receiving lowest cost-of-living in rural area  
     1.农村居民最低生活保障人数(人)   number of persons receiving lowest cost- of -living in rural
         area  (person)
759291 748363
       #困难户       households with economic hardship 221006 230984
         五保户       rural households with livelihood guaranteed in five aspects 71324 87192
         其他对象       other  37268 23806
     2.农村居民最低生活保障家庭数(户)   number of households receiving lowest cost- of -living in rural
         area  (unit)
329598 341982
     3.农村临时救济人次数(人次)   number of relief in rural(person-times) 209040 218144
二、社会捐赠 social donation     
   (一)直接接收捐赠情况   donation directing received     
     1.捐赠款数额(万元)     donated funds (10000 yuan) 422.2 8639
     2.捐赠衣被合计 (万件)     donated clothes and quilts (10000 unit) 332.9 681
     3.捐赠其他物资价值(万元)     valus of other materials donated  (10000 yuan) 21.8 225
   (二)间接接收捐赠情况   donation indirectly received     
     1.捐赠款数额(万元)     donated funds  (10000 yuan) 19 85
     2.捐赠衣被合计(万件)     donated clothes and quilts (10000 unit) 1.4 11
     3.捐赠其他物资价值(万元)     valus of other materials donated  (10000 yuan) 28.9 162
   (三)受益人次数 (人次)   persons receiving donation (person-time) 101115 455995
   (四)社会捐赠接收工作站、点数 (个)   working stations for social donation (unit) 790 588