14-25  中等职业教育分科学生数(2005年)
number of student in specialized secondary schools by field of study, 2005
单位:人   (person)
毕业生数   招生数  #招初中 在校生数
graduates new student enrollment  junior secondury graduates student enrollment
  total 110036 175931 170832 447689
农林类 agriculture and forestry 3591 6398 5560 16547
资源与环境类 source and enviroment 547 369 364 1348
能源类 power 468 520 511 1401
土木水利工程类 construction and water conservancy engineering 1595 2984 2881 7839
加工制造类 machining and manufacture 8557 24420 24076 59352
交通运输类 transport 1545 5486 4852 10446
信息技术类 information technology 31848 37861 37664 104704
医药卫生类 health 9219 10470 9197 32314
商贸与旅游类 trad and tour 14911 18406 18299 50715
财经类 finance and economics 10341 17247 16667 41751
文化艺术与体育类 arts and physical culture 6223 9761 9582 25972
社会公共事业类 society commonality business 3975 4072 3369 10739
师范类 teacher training 2277 4131 4045 10160
其他 others 14939 33806 33765 74401
note: specialized secondary schools include secondary schools , adult secondary schools and specialized junior schools .(the same sa the following)