14-5  研究发展(r&d)活动主要指标
major indicators of research and development activities
    item 2000 2003 2004 2005
r&d人员(人年) r&d personnel (person-year) 22420 26614 31792 35815
#科学家工程师   scientists and engineers 16495 20311 23995 28182
#全时人员   full-time personnel 15233 18656 24392 28390
#基础研究   fundamental research 2033 1629 1754 1452
  应用研究   applied research 3635 5284 7650 7005
  试验发展   experimental development 16752 19700 22388 27358
r&d经费内部支出(亿元) intramural expenditure for r&d
     (100 million yuan)
21.19 37.50 45.89 53.73
  r&d经常费内部支出   intramural regular r&d expenditure 20.37 36.52 45.29 53.12
    基础研究     fundamental research 0.66 0.69 1.03 1.17
    应用研究     applied research 1.41 3.59 7.93 5.13
    试验发展     experimental development 18.30 32.23 36.34 46.82
  科研基建费     capital construction expenditure
       for scientific research
0.82 0.98 0.60 0.61
r&d经费内部支出按支出来源分(亿元) intramural expenditure for r&d by
 expenditure source (100million yuan)
  政府资金   government funds 3.09 3.73 4.33 5.32
  企业资金   enterprises funds 15.79 27.51 36.62 47.14
  国外资金   abroad funds 0.37 0.25 0.04 0.13
  其他 others 1.94 6.00 4.90 1.14
r&d经费内部支出占gdp比重(%) proportion of intramural r&d
   expenditure to gdp (%)
0.56 0.75 0.80 0.82
note:a)the data of 2004 is from the first national ecomonic census.b)the data of gdp from 2000 are adjusted according to the first national ecomonic census.