14-3  从事科技活动人员情况(1987-2005年)
number of personnel engaged in scientific and technological activities, 1987-2005
单位:人 (person)
科研机构 高等院校 大中型工业企业 其他
year total   science research &
technical development institutions
higher education
large-scale and medium-scale industrial enterprises others
1987 17893 9052 3557 5284
1988 17778 8875 3565 5338
1989 20010 9270 3985 6755
1990 20428 8796 5392 6240
1991 21012 9054 4452 7506
1992 22263 7678 5291 9294
1993 21494 7399 5516 9390
1994 21773 6995 5423 10572
1995 22781 6911 5883 11291
1996 27621 6656 6051 14914
1997 30988 6539 6618 17831
1998 29316 6426 6626 16264
1999 33621 6127 6563 20931
2000 68188 5754 6350 17343 38741
2001 70860 4844 7149 26351 32516
2002 67508 4497 7764 25623 29624
2003 71504 4495 8280 28772 29957
2004 79953 4379 9018 30943 35613
2005 86184 4852 8563 37174 35595
note:a)persons engaged in science and technology activities in higher education institutions exclude persons engaged in teaching. b)statistic coverage has been enlarged since 2000. c)others include small-scale industrial enterprises,software development units,agriculture enterprises and institutions,health care units,etc.  d)the data of 2004 is from the first national ecomonic censas.