12-21  亿元以上商品交易市场成交情况(2005年)
statistics on commodity markets with trade over 100 million yuan, 2005
    摊位数量  成交额  
    item   ()   (万元) #零售额
    number of stalls
volume of trade
(10000 yuan)
retail sale
   total 35800 6016716 2220715
食品、饮料、烟酒类 food,beverages,tobaccos and liguor 22020 2883787 996349
  粮油类   grain and oil 2187 472296 117705
  肉禽蛋类   meat,poultry and eggs 3467 304423 183745
  其他食品类   other foods 14173 1868750 589554
  饮料类   beverages 1712 164123 56473
  烟酒类   tobacco and liquor 481 74195 48872
服装鞋帽、针、纺织品类 garments,shoes,caps and textiles 6724 489521 223053
  服装类   clothing 5121 397344 192413
  鞋帽类   shoes and hats 590 46646 15009
  针纺织品类   knitwear and textiles 1013 45531 15631
化妆品类 cosmetics 193 13202 8883
金银珠宝类 gold,silver and jewelry 293 393525 43501
日用品类 articles for daily use 611 50348 20867
#洗涤用品类   washing articles 173 22497 4508
 儿童玩具类 children toys 22 332 72
五金电料类 hardware and electrical materials 442 32282 9017
体育、娱乐用品类 sports and recreation articles 18 420 60
书报杂志类 newspapers and magazines 8 704 692
电子出版物及音像制品类 e-journal and video products 113 33699 27591
家用电器和音像器材类 household appliances and video appliances 722 134385 88318
中西药品类 traditional chinese and western medicines 60 3296 3192
#西药类   western medicines 7 1062 1049
 中草药及中成药类   chinese herbal medicine and mid-product medicine 35 224 176
文化办公用品类 cultural and official goods 317 54296 42515
家具类 furniture  111 18515 14674
通讯器材类 communication appliances 7 381 310
木材及制品类 wood and wooden products 605 174889 105441
石油及制品类 petroleum and related products 4 139 97
化工材料及制品类 raw chemical materials 62 15141 9692
金属材料类 metal materrials 156 608593 1275
建筑及装璜材料类 building and decoration materials 1737 636316 379341
机电产品及设备类 mechanical and electrical products and equipment 78 3296 1006
汽车类 vehicles 253 198873 182962
种子饲料类 seed and feedstuff 56 10871 32
棉麻类 cotton and ramie 8 110 99
其它类 others 1202 260127 61748