12-20  亿元以上商品交易市场主要经济指标(2005年)
main financial indicators of commodity markets over 100 million yuan, 2005
    item 市场数
number of markets (unit) number of stalls
operation area
transaction value
(10000 yuan)
   total 107 35800 1608545 6016716 2220715
按经营环境分 by operating circumstance
  露天式  outdoor 13 3884 264587 398966 198738
  封闭式  indoor 72 24668 1017175 4403852 1496601
  其他  others 22 7248 326783 1213898 525376
按营业状态分 by operating status
  常年营业  perennial operation 104 34238 1585036 5966053 2172841
  季节性营业  seasonal operation 2 754 13510 32046 29257
  其它  others 1 808 9999 18617 18617
按经营方式分 by operating mode
  批发(或以批发为主)  whole sale (or wholesale as the main mode) 44 12872 700719 4128179 725540
  零售(或以零售为主)  retail (or retail as the main mode) 63 22928 907826 1888537 1495175
按市场类别分 by market category
  综合市场  general markets 47 18533 267151 1177215 815088
    工业品综合市场   industrial general markets 2 1378 5300 253074 89169
    农副产品综合市场   agricaltural products general markets 45 17155 261851 924141 725919
  专业市场  special markets 52 12681 1242773 4281161 1268284
    纺织品服装鞋帽市场   markets for textiles, clothing, shoes
      and hats
5 2718 97255 230989 120098
    食品饮料烟酒市场   markets for food, beverage, tobacco
       and liquor
2 1804 28690 222160 128564
    小商品市场   markets for small commodities 2 979 61048 365809 61705
  markets for culture products, videoproducts,
   newspapers and magazines
3 693 45172 190454 144666
    机动车市场   markets for mechanically-propelled vehicles 5 283 93100 225103 189292
    金属材料市场   markets for metal materials 2 140 84200 606998
    木材市场   markets for wood 1 400 199800 82800 55484
    建材装修材料市场   markets for building and decoration materials 9 1927 290810 747129 451410
    粮油市场   markets for grain and oil 4 424 65200 350716 25434
    干鲜果品市场   markets for drysaltery of fresh fruits 5 534 21500 172641 18171
    水产品市场   markets for aquatic products 5 1117 66600 686352 59410
    疏菜市场   markets for vegetables 6 1500 159498 255193 14050
    肉食禽蛋市场   markets for meat, poultry and eggs 1 8 18400 83030
    土畜产品市场   markets for livestock products 1 110 3000 51725
    农业生产资料市场   markets for agricultural product materials 1 44 8500 10062
  其他市场   other markets 8 4586 98621 558340 137343