12-6  限额以上零售业财务状况(2005年)
financial indicators of retail sales enterprises above designated size,2005
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
       item 流动资产   固定资产                                                   
    #存货       #本年折旧  
实收资本 营业收入 主营业务
主营利润 其他业
营业费用 管理费用 财务费用   营业利润 利润总额  应交
劳动、失业保险费 住房公积
费 总 额
total circulating funds longterm investment oringinal prices of fixed assets accumulated depreciation current year  depreciation total assess total liabilities total creditors equity
total capital hold 
operating income main operating income main operating expenses main operating tax and extra charges profits of main business other profits operating expenses manage-
ment cost
fianancial cost #利息支出
business profits total profits income tax payable labor and unenploy-ment insurance public accamulate fund and subsides of household total
total payable welfare payable value-added tax
        total 1375521 379484 490632 117910 26868 2010644 1269963 740681 620803 4009776 3908232 3586834 30178 320733 46253 229895 123258 16842 11916 112983 52885 17767 6663 1719 83802 10377 89404
#国有及国有控股  state-owned and state-holding   207554 50951 212323 51152 12494 455848 219381 236468 183329 947315 925142 837346 2361 85027 7101 45479 34494 3344 2578 31244 18634 7100 3389 1178 21145 2771 31409
按登记注册类型分 by type of registration    
  内资企业   domestic funded enterprises 1346118 360818 467774 109130 25616 1960015 1221118 738898 602853 3880400 3779745 3476835 30041 302384 41685 210362 117630 16650 11882 114869 54819 17738 6538 1628 78094 9952 87601
    国有企业   state-owned enterprises 108882 25500 125279 30738 8573 232019 99161 132858 111381 306803 302866 262224 1080 37848 5353 21345 21325 1463 1307 7577 3814 3398 1918 843 12621 1566 5152
    集体企业   collective-owned enterprises 21392 5591 18026 5289 372 40157 19980 20177 13397 63699 63455 57225 263 5157 604 2092 3447 411 371 594 677 374 392 37 1949 310 720
    股份合作企业   cooperative enterprises 4846 2111 1487 412 42 6880 5905 975 2032 7680 7674 6374 43 642 34 336 401 102 98 57 58 29 14 3 251 17 179
    联营企业   joint ownership enterprises 3484 1154 2088 601 116 7173 2719 4453 3295 25535 25380 23442 50 1888 12 773 650 24 130 629 636 148 21 25 491 64 386
    有限责任公司   limited liability corporations 427170 130602 98530 24181 5588 570230 402487 167743 159082 1208121 1155965 1083569 14995 92214 19500 78927 36410 3683 2651 62116 8240 3936 1975 339 23731 3893 26582
    股份有限公司   share-holding corporations ltd. 116175 9356 86446 20764 2469 252989 127149 125840 64431 505456 503718 461960 1156 41088 3395 20217 10889 2646 1887 12524 15699 3759 836 216 8630 750 24216
    私营企业   private enterprises 643176 183344 135094 26975 8385 827295 547009 280286 241456 1744726 1702321 1565858 12393 121426 12694 85189 43832 7941 5063 31651 26101 6056 1356 165 29722 3290 30200
    其他企业   other onterprises 20993 3161 824 170 72 23273 16708 6565 7780 18380 18365 16182 60 2123 93 1484 677 381 375 -278 -406 38 26   700 63 167
  港、澳、台商投资企业     funds from hong kong, macao
     and taiwan
7605 5041 1776 415 31 11682 5902 5780 6431 11371 11199 10168 6 1025 141 516 685 36 21 -70 -189 1 10 1 507 42 114
  外商投资企业  enterprises with sole foreign
21798 13625 21082 8365 1221 38947 42944 -3997 11519 118005 117288 99832 131 17324 4427 19017 4944 156 14 -1815 -1746 29 114 90 5201 383 1690
按行业分 by sector    
  综合零售业 general retail 293516 74065 169029 44919 6663 506589 347073 159516 131072 844843 818417 700708 11368 108067 21341 82572 36467 6158 3540 17151 16403 5260 1694 212 26857 3176 17619
  #百货零售业 retail of consumer goods 167013 23375 96639 22161 2730 301544 193560 107984 67473 290776 272127 225340 8971 39688 9155 24561 18728 4128 3031 8686 12935 3391 801 167 8446 1104 9903
    超级市场零售业 retail of supermarkets 110681 45763 59496 18868 3736 175487 134616 40871 53805 482266 476540 414750 2149 59701 9675 50851 15397 1647 186 6929 1902 1543 527 43 16181 1722 6679
retail of food, beverages and
23833 6793 12381 3138 704 38031 15080 22950 14543 87491 86192 76942 184 9065 2198 5629 3498 364 290 12844 2068 893 325 120 3480 319 2968
retail of textiles, garments,
         shoes and hats
24123 9475 7532 2549 603 35260 19301 15960 12354 70441 69037 55631 624 12667 1319 6991 5032 222 142 2484 2271 370 287 37 2923 281 2516
  #服装零售业   retail of garments 11978 4894 1258 424 107 14372 9813 4559 3052 30349 29954 23764 347 5753 411 2467 2403 -7 30 1521 1322 224 64 1088 106 1325
  文化体育用品及器材零售业 retail of culture, sports products and
58888 23041 74981 19269 7250 130876 40487 90389 77606 154673 138540 108665 1317 26331 1769 16679 13919 610 171 6284 1809 2825 1307 702 8654 1099 3436
  #图书零售业   retail of books 41568 12754 73796 18855 7218 109458 30439 79019 67019 102673 100752 75979 377 22172 1728 12786 11324 42 40 6927 2736 2757 1144 684 7170 949 2869
  医药及医疗器械零售业 retail of medicines and medical appliances 81231 17811 17174 3924 737 105572 74365 31207 29779 116105 115966 102488 237 12595 38 7773 6013 1714 1535 -138 -1161 174 488 125 5629 605 1459
  #药品零售业   retail of medicines 77655 17001 17015 3858 730 101901 71045 30856 29685 107884 107745 95133 222 11745 8 7177 5867 1646 1523 -366 -1230 149 475 120 5561 602 1347
retail of motor vehicles, motorcycles
        fule and parts
593843 141365 170641 35531 9381 818725 498028 320697 274230 2051466 2026481 1919312 14044 104019 3448 57655 38073 6229 5435 34734 17067 6387 1929 376 22675 3311 44894
  #汽车零售业   retail of motor vehicles  514641 116168 87484 16588 5874 637289 423079 214210 194300 1376038 1351583 1287167 11186 63718 3140 36485 26233 5717 4903 17623 6920 3303 1119 191 13447 1441 23206
    机动车燃料零售业   retail of vehicles fule 45444 10567 78008 17791 3215 141686 50020 91666 68884 581791 581306 543044 2599 36103 256 19209 10026 371 448 13583 9361 2823 770 179 8151 1738 20990
  家用电器及电子产品零售业 retail of family electric equipment
        and product
195019 84928 8319 2305 604 217590 162008 55583 39641 497844 467636 455863 1703 30755 11598 26179 11488 985 376 39351 13801 1025 278 31 9245 992 9092
  #家用电器零售业 retail of family electric equipment 150955 70993 5165 999 306 170666 130946 39720 22524 345195 317874 314183 1390 22236 9772 19767 7665 582 168 38960 3605 743 138 15 5911 639 8076
  retail of computer software and
        supplementary equipment
17240 5501 1320 746 129 18109 10865 7245 7928 51746 50135 48253 178 3119 486 2113 1947 52 11 -321 -456 156 99 1524 170 487
    通讯设备零售业   retail of telecommunicate equipment 24121 6972 1497 420 142 25882 17449 8433 8560 89858 88614 83839 84 4393 1277 3793 1228 341 196 732 10714 97 33 15 1463 173 481
  retail of hardware, furniture and
        inside decoration materials
58790 18940 16979 1685 471 92640 71776 20864 20031 92529 91580 79512 414 11540 3977 9613 6036 299 318 390 63 624 178 80 2597 376 6496
   无店铺及其他零售业 retail of no stores and others 46277 3065 13596 4590 455 65361 41846 23515 21547 94384 94384 87714 287 5693 565 16803 2733 262 109 -116 565 210 176 37 1743 219 923