12-4  限额以上批发零售业商品销售类值
value of sales in wholesale and retail sale enterprises above designated size by category
单位:万元     (10000 yuan)
 项目  item 2004     2005    
批发额 零售额 批发额 零售额
食品、饮料、烟酒类 food,beverages,tobaccos and liguor 4240451 3639167 601284 4818460 4115429 703031
服装鞋帽、针、纺织品类 garments,shoes,caps and textiles 2653236 2435680 217556 2817499 2518102 299398
化妆品类 cosmetics 84549 25238 59311 97364 24992 72372
金银珠宝类 gold,silver and jewelry 106344 69622 36722 99969 54393 45576
日用品类 articles for daily use 481898 326626 155272 508819 332983 175836
五金、电料类 hardware and electrical materials 116284 81186 35098 146362 110243 36119
体育、娱乐用品类 sports and recreation articles 80842 67122 13720 94271 73419 20852
书报杂志类 newspapers and magazines 206745 94699 112046 211396 97771 113625
电子出版物及音像制品类 e-journal and video products 18946 9447 9499 20419 11166 9253
家用电器和音像器材类 household appliances and video appliances 1276382 946160 330222 1371183 894275 476908
中西药品类 traditional chinese and western medicines 794757 612281 182476 950313 747842 202471
文化办公用品类 cultural and official goods 369438 276825 92613 366685 273764 92921
家具类 furniture  78111 66648 11463 97948 78448 19500
通讯器材类 communication appliances 472886 373911 98975 519258 392332 126926
煤碳及制品类 coal and related products 316990 308750 8240 408104 401357 6747
木材及制品类 wood and wooden products 228123 220839 7284 259045 251647 7398
石油及制品类 petroleum and related products 2966207 2005869 960338 3978138 2587217 1390921
化工材料及制品类 raw chemical materials 2180731 2145482 35249 2237390 2201349 36041
金属材料类 metal materrials 2464709 2433477 31232 2863839 2809432 54407
建筑及装潢材料类 building and decoration materials 463890 425050 38840 482549 443638 38911
机电产品及设备类 mechanical and electrical products and equipment 1086045 990027 96018 1064708 958143 106565
汽车类 vehicles 1461101 406030 1055071 1723009 438245 1284764
种子饲料类 seed and feedstuff 183846 180279 3567 232961 230023 2938
棉麻类 cotton and ramie 16171 15796 375 27997 27721 276
其他类 others 2508202 2363428 144774 2527847 2361674 166173
note:the data in this table are from quick statistics data.