12-2  限额以上零售业商品购、销、存总额(2005年)
total  purchases,sales  and  inventory  of    retail  sale  enterprises
above  designated  size,  2005
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
                               item 法人企业 产业活动
从业人员 购进总额   销售总额       年末库存
(个) (个) (人) #进口 #出
number of corporation
number of economic active units (unit) persons employed (person) total goods purchase import sales wholesale exports retail sale  inventory at the year-end
   total 1003 2962 79857 4664398 121073 5280019 653273 2339 4626746 518548
#国有及国有控股      state-owned and state-holding        177 1002 24282 1653346 3977 2116098 299532 805 1816566 162336
按登记注册类型分 by registration category                    
  内资企业   domestic funded enterprises 985 2910 74528 4392036 121073 4967575 649000 2339 4318575 492363
    国有企业     state-owned enterprises 110 278 8824 358723   413933 40975 805 372959 45326
    集体企业     collective-owned enterprises 75 810 3791 74532 170 83205 10784   72420 10664
    股份合作企业     cooperative enterprises 9 27 516 10537   44539 1026   43513 2605
    联营企业     joint ownership enterprises 8 23 228 25288 626 29799     29799 1196
      国有联营企业       state-owned joint ownership
5 20 166 16645 626 20547     20547 1004
      集体联营企业       collective joint ownership
      国有与集体联营企业       joint state-collective
1 1 15 1580   1669     1669 40
      其他联营企业       other joint ownership
2 2 47 7063   7584     7584 153
    有限责任公司     limited liability corporations 232 561 20851 1387420 23506 1444436 150702   1293735 159730
      国有独资企业       state sole funded corporations                    
      其他有限责任公司       other limited liability
232 561 20851 1387420 23506 1444436 150702   1293735 159730
    股份有限公司     share-holding corporations ltd. 30 371 6960 739218   987940 239221   748719 53745
    私营企业     private enterprises 511 828 32831 1722614 62640 1890023 174071 1534 1715952 210550
      私营独资企业       private-funded enterprises 40 47 2105 48750 1626 55806 6183   49623 4900
      私营合伙企业       private partnership enterprises 16 18 900 45881 788 46779 4028   42751 4918
      私营有限责任公司       private limited liability
431 718 28323 1573874 60226 1733624 157786 1534 1575838 192823
      私营股份有限公司       private share-holding
       corporations ltd.
24 45 1503 54109   53814 6074   47740 7909
    其他企业     other enterprises 10 12 527 73704 34132 73700 32222   41478 8546
  港澳台商投资企业   funds from hong kong, macao
   and taiwan
6 8 1375 74432   76829 4273   72556 5482
    合资企业     joint-venture enterprises 1 1 32 3571   4387 4273   114 209
    合作企业     cooperative enterprises 1 1 85 6888   4806     4806 570
    独资企业     enterprises with sole investment 4 4 148 3677   3493     3493 128
    股份有限公司     fund share-holding corporations
  2 1110 60296   64143     64143 4576
  外商投资企业   foreign funded enterprises 12 44 3954 197930   235615     235615 20703
    中外合资     joint-venture enterprises 7 30 2511 92428   104991     104991 12846
    中外合作     cooperation enterprises   6 344 91480   110368     110368 6890
    外资企业     enterprises with sole foreign 5 8 1099 14022   20256     20256 967
    外商投资股份有限公司     share-holding with foreign funds                    
按行业分 by sector                    
    农畜产品批发业 wholesale of farm crops and livestock products 226 1154 34846 946108 2934 1130041 32270 805 1097771 116063
    食品、饮料、烟草批发业 wholesale of food, beverages
        and tobaccos
65 397 8460 237305   310681 8396   302285 25494
 sholesale of rice, wheat products and
        rdible oil
130 298 23771 634040   738505 18912   719593 84247
    烟草制品批发业   wholesale of tobaccos 25 116 2800 116075 626 136183 4457   131726 8431
wholesale of textiles, garments and
        daily consumer articles
35 135 3026 96375   114944 5172   109773 11277
    #服装批发业   wholesale of garments 15 31 942 33064   34534 1741   32793 4155
wholesale of culture, sports products
        and appliances
69 137 4350 177780 8919 172108 20550   151557 45566
    医药及医疗器械批发业 wholesale of medicines and medical appliances                    
wholesale of mineral products, building
        materials and chemical products
56 114 3410 123362   116734 11216 105517 25215
    #煤炭及制品批发业   wholesale of coal and its products 47 267 4176 107186 588 119890 39555 80335 20734
     石油及制品批发业   wholesale of petroleum and its products 44 264 4124 99524 588 111616 39555 72061 19921
     金属及金属矿批发业   wholesale of metal and metal mineral 415 803 16438 2298840 106431 2674247 401854 1534 2272393 206142
     建材批发业   wholesale of building materials 244 264 7738 1346603 105643 1445621 168080 1534 1277541 130734
     化肥批发业   wholesale of chemical fertilizer 111 461 7215 840925 788 1121048 222076 898972 54447
wholesale of machinery, equipment,
hardware,transport and electic products
123 246 9680 712919 1577 697115 96384 600731 84459
  wholesale of motor vehicles,
       motorcycles and parts
62 139 6964 562259   532899 55844 477055 70548
     家用电器批发业   whole of family electrical equipments 35 43 1071 50767 1037 54639 7700 46939 5956
  wholesale of computer software and
        supplementary equipments
19 57 1313 90484   98104 30041 68063 6878
    贸易经纪与代理 trade broker and agent 32 37 2785 105046   100805 7145 93660 20233
    其他类未包括的批发业 other wholesale not classified elsewhere 31 67 1756 104070   134685 45886   88799 5643