12-1  限额以上批发业商品购销存总额(2005年)
total purchases,sales and inventory of wholesale enterprises
above designated size, 2005
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
                               item 法人企业 产业活动 从业人员 购进总额   销售总额       年末库存
(个) (个) (人) #进口 #出口
number of corporation number of economic active units (unit) persons employed (person) total goods purchase import sales wholesale exports retail sale  inventory at the year-end
   total 1496 2228 74878 23299709 2543162 25230299 23937151 5268584 1293148 1402111
#国有及国有控股      state-owned and state-holding        357 914 37793 11467899 1369885 12471727 11604812 2394272 866915 715204
按登记注册类型分 by registration category                    
  内资企业   domestic funded enterprises 1467 2182 71789 22816049 2464873 24690185 23406249 5225933 1283937 1375462
    国有企业     state-owned enterprises 224 457 23181 4341461 151866 5345448 5300436 1223629 45013 256348
    集体企业     collective-owned enterprises 28 36 2197 386603 28925 421924 388297 56251 33628 72563
    股份合作企业     cooperative enterprises 8 9 218 199129 3686 215579 208818 2022 6761 3193
    联营企业     joint ownership enterprises 19 26 615 240675 18005 258743 230654 60116 28090 13699
      国有联营企业       state-owned joint ownership 16 23 567 212556 18005 231110 210184 54667 20925 12415
      集体联营企业       collective joint ownership 1 1 19 6014   5449 5449 5449   91
      国有与集体联营企业       joint state-collective                    
      其他联营企业       other joint ownership 2 2 29 22104   22184 15020   7165 1193
    有限责任公司     limited liability corporations 381 466 15032 6068414 611139 6138013 5950165 1470634 187848 355031
      国有独资企业       state sole funded corporations 19 32 1357 505170 172016 598173 594523 37750 3651 105851
      其他有限责任公司       other limited liability 362 434 13675 5563245 439123 5539840 5355642 1432884 184197 249180
    股份有限公司     share-holding corporations ltd. 48 348 9929 4443498 882691 4539069 3800881 530401 738189 278678
    私营企业     private enterprises 750 831 20315 7033429 742005 7671050 7434167 1876920 236883 390068
      私营独资企业       private-funded enterprises 9 9 347 100760 10195 127704 127704 27053   11238
      私营合伙企业       private partnership enterprises 12 14 222 90864 986 93978 90597 33903 3381 5328
      私营有限责任公司       private limited liability 709 787 18986 6512481 675245 7083382 6851855 1757090 231527 352580
      私营股份有限公司       private share-holding 20 21 760 329324 55580 365987 364012 58873 1975 20922
       corporations ltd.
    其他企业     other enterprises 9 9 302 102841 26555 100358 92831 5960 7527 5881
  港澳台商投资企业   funds from hong kong, macao 10 16 914 120989 19753 137176 132779 25995 4397 5902
   and taiwan
    合资企业     joint-venture enterprises 5 6 193 38890 19753 40823 39626 54 1197 3548
    合作企业     cooperative enterprises      
    独资企业     enterprises with sole investment 5 8 697 67890   67935 64735 25941 3200 2354
    股份有限公司     fund share-holding corporations   2 24 14209   28418 28418      
  外商投资企业   foreign funded enterprises 19 30 2175 362672 58537 402937 398123 16656 4814 20748
    中外合资     joint-venture enterprises 11 14 893 191528 28819 202844 201924 4473 920 12261
    中外合作     cooperation enterprises  
    外资企业     enterprises with sole foreign 7 14 989 164259 29717 191345 189947 12183 1398 8064
    外商投资股份有限公司     share-holding with foreign funds 1 2 293 6884   8748 6252   2496 422
按行业分 by sector        
    农畜产品批发业 wholesale of farm crops and livestock products 24 42 648 224063 122070 225222 221213 17489 4009 74109
    食品、饮料、烟草批发业 wholesale of food, beverages 154 333 19634 3886750 94392 4476085 4407295 389652 68790 209737
        and tobaccos
    #米面制品及食用油  sholesale of rice, wheat products and 28 38 1266 351585 6350 357617 354754 17089 2863 50880
      批发业         rdible oil
    烟草制品批发业   wholesale of tobaccos 39 167 11968 2165574 4 2732219 2731350 5884 869 92191
    纺织、服装及日用品 wholesale of textiles, garments and 240 279 8811 3359702 399008 4069402 4027261 2637842 42141 92225
         批发业         daily consumer articles
    #服装批发业   wholesale of garments 79 111 2492 1432153 197435 1698062 1691669 1317447 6392 21916
    文化、体育用品及器材 wholesale of culture, sports products 56 62 2956 493071 11329 537457 531818 194598 5639 42362
    批发业         and appliances
    医药及医疗器械批发业 wholesale of medicines and medical appliances 66 169 7124 896984 50162 963612 880138 43003 83474 87420
    矿产品、建材及化工产品 wholesale of mineral products, building 613 951 21224 10354718 1349298 10779617 9858857 1132706 920760 632505
    批发业         materials and chemical products
    #煤炭及制品批发业   wholesale of coal and its products 35 35 870 316372 37013 336328 334917 26530 1412 24229
     石油及制品批发业   wholesale of petroleum and its products 76 368 7015 2847522 34091 2797940 2048549 5710 749392 161195
     金属及金属矿批发业   wholesale of metal and metal mineral 183 198 3609 3001127 473530 3150341 3098867 250980 51475 176119
     建材批发业   wholesale of building materials 107 133 3426 996575 56385 1128623 1090334 206736 38289 44873
     化肥批发业   wholesale of chemical fertilizer 16 17 1081 285516 28947 301450 300835 43515 615 71556
    机械设备五金交电及电子 wholesale of machinery, equipment, 242 276 11598 2590441 246754 2543032 2389215 346591 153816 196730
    产品批发业 hardware,transport and electic products
    #汽车摩托车及零配件   wholesale of motor vehicles, 48 57 1323 670782 43178 436138 365854 31343 70284 37943
      批发业        motorcycles and parts
     家用电器批发业   whole of family electrical equipments 32 38 2731 416665 22492 411331 400419 4284 10912 37752
     计算机软件及辅助设备   wholesale of computer software and 29 36 1504 290069 29717 279269 238230 2949 41039 16499
      批发业         supplementary equipments
    贸易经纪与代理 trade broker and agent 13 18 338 188838 4861 230840 230840 179456   2401
    其他类未包括的批发业 other wholesale not classified elsewhere 88 98 2545 1305143 265287 1405033 1390513 327246 14520 64624