9-5  规模以上工业企业总产值
gross output value of industrial enterprises above designated size
单位:亿元         (100 million yuan)
       item 2000 2004 2005 2005比2004
increase rate in 2005 over 2004(%) 
       total                           2616.12 6783.42 8135.98 20.8
#国有及国有控股企业 state-owned and state-holding
854.95 1329.73 1532.88 11.2
一、按轻重分  grouped by light and heary industry
    轻工业         light industry                 1364.97 2949.33 3673.27 25.3
      以农产品为原料     using farm products as raw
807.67 1968.02 2452.04 25.8
      以非农产品为原料     using non-farm products as raw
557.30 981.31 1221.24 23.8
    重工业      heavy industry                        1251.15 3834.08 4462.71 17.3
      采掘工业              mining and quarrying              34.54 92.40 132.35 23.2
      原料工业       raw materials industry                       472.52 1618.18 1926.14 17.3
      加工工业       manufacturing industry                  744.09 2123.51 2404.22 17.3
二、按经济类型分     grouped by ownership               
             stated-owned                   447.09 737.22 833.35 9.4
            collective-owned                          189.96 184.80 205.05 19.3
    股份制           share holding                     227.79 746.19 961.15 20.9
               cooperation            7.20 15.61 17.43 17.7
                   private            133.95 1023.17 1359.75 30.7
    外商及港澳台商投资        funds from hongkong,macao,
     taiwan and foreign                
1605.23 4039.41 4753.23 20.2
             others                         4.89 37.01 6.01
三、按登记注册分   grouped by status of registration                  
                      stated-owned              395.67 598.92 403.27 7.4
             collective-owned                        157.72 103.58 111.97 16.7
    股份合作          share holding cooperative                26.41 72.24 86.46 23.0
                        cooperative          41.68 55.15 66.41 23.8
    有限责任公司       limited liability corporations                96.98 583.31 1047.82 27.1
    股份有限公司       share holding enterprises                153.59 270.62 301.06 9.7
    私营企业             private enterprises              133.95 1023.17 1359.75 30.7
    港澳台商投资企业     enterprises with funds from hongkong,
    macao,taiwan and foreign               
1127.70 2225.86 2578.23 21.2
    外商投资企业           foreign funded enterprises              477.53 1813.55 2175.00 18.8
    其他企业       other enterprises                    4.90 37.01 6.01
四、按经济组织分             grouped by organization
    独资          sole funded            1499.96 3151.20 3485.59 19.0
    合作、合伙      cooperated and partnership         125.38 271.59 269.38
    股份有限公司            share holding enterprises  192.61 484.58 504.77 10.6
    有限责任公司             limited liability corporations 798.17 2876.04 3876.24 24.7
五、按企业规模分         grouped by size of enterprises            
    大型企业           large scale              497.53 1707.40 1978.42 12.4
    中型企业      medium scale                       318.69 2398.32 2983.14 15.8
    小型企业          small scale                    1799.90 2677.69 3174.42 28.7
note:increase rate of industrial enterprises is according to monthly statistics.