9-3  全部工业主要经济指标(2004年)
main economic indicators of industry, 2004
单位:万元       (10000 yuan)      
      item 单位数
工业总产值 营业收入 利润总额 固定资产
number of enterprises
number of employed persons
(10000 persons)
cross industrial output  value
(10000 yuan)
operating income total profit oringinal prices of fixed
                     total 230996 486.49 85445006 83905967 6150215 41034347
按轻重分   grouped by light &heavy industry                          
  轻工业     light industry   115187 275.50 38094058 37173476 2422083 15615728
  重工业     heavy industry   115809 210.99 47350949 46732490 3728132 25418619
按登记注册分   grouped by status of registration                      
    内资   domestic funded enterprises 41399 191.21 33869934 33262435 1623283 20899701
    国有     state-owned enterprises 557 13.56 5989229 5980128 219158 6404374
    集体     collective-owned enterprises 5249 14.99 1714125 1677404 82888 840826
    股份合作           cooperative enterprises 1461 8.01 969380 938163 49045 407126
    联营                   joint ownership enterprises 407 1.88 604613 600869 52630 1125709
            国有联营       state-owned joint ownership enterprises 40 0.49 308245 311372 40907 990518
            集体联营       collective joint ownership enterprises 224 0.59 119368 117176 5714 39915
            国有与集体联营       joint state-collective enterprises 37 0.22 53173 53205 976 29606
            其它联营       other joint ownership enterprises 106 0.60 123826 119116 5035 65670
    有限责任公司     limited liability corporations 3100 27.85 6222733 6206996 292625 4560102
            国有独资公司       state sole funded corporations 28 2.69 1077463 1135880 90690 677729
            其它有限责任公司       other limited liability corporations 3072 25.17 5145270 5071116 201936 3882372
    股份有限公司     share-holding corporations ltd. 443 8.69 2766520 2851259 180497 2210478
    私营企业              private enterprises 29339 113.44 15087788 14509865 717571 5225519
            私营独资       private-funded enterprises 9402 21.01 2083154 2008501 157213 716061
            私营合伙       private partnership enterprises 5105 11.18 1090597 1055325 80154 566668
            私营有限责任公司       private limited liability corporations 13817 76.33 11282895 10838844 437679 3609490
            私营股份有限公司       private share-holding corporations ltd. 1015 4.91 631144 607195 42527 333300
    其它企业     other enterprises 843 2.78 515547 497753 28867 125567
  港澳台商投资企业    funds from hong kong,macao and taiwan 5432 110.70 22813979 22235941 1077038 8537916
    合资经营企业         joint-venture enterprises 1062 27.95 7599220 7284970 346517 2437315
    合作经营企业         cooperative enterprises 74 1.38 399574 400302 50897 579694
    独资企业       enterprises with sole investment 4269 80.33 14209924 13830588 588492 4950028
    股份有限公司      fund share-holding corporations ltd. 27 1.04 605261 720079 91132 570878
  外商投资企业   foreign funded enterprises 3007 62.61 18476553 18123052 1571780 9692477
    中外合资经营企业          joint-venture enterprises 873 17.96 6553965 6143143 551360 3138366
    中外合作经营企业           cooperation enterprises 68 0.93 315334 301401 3278 216535
    外资企业                         enterprises with sole foreign 2022 42.66 10535113 10628454 807040 5027083
    外商投资股份有限公司                share-holding with foreign funds 44 1.05 1072142 1050055 210101 1310494
  个体  individual 181158 121.97 10284539 10284539 1878114 1904252
按规模分   grouped by size              
  大型       large scale          51 25.09 14899868 17259244 1003998 7437245
  中型       medium scale  964 91.86 24079449 23365651 1841984 14664401
  小型       small scale             229981 369.55 46465689 43281072 3304233 18932700
按行业分  grouped by sector            
  煤炭开采和洗选业   coal mining and dressing 1508 4.71 412746 424190 51275 182045
  黑色金属矿采选业   ferrous metals  mining and dressing 833 1.21 277182 279617 48733 66882
  有色金属矿采选业   nonferrous metals mining and dressing 687 1.05 141195 139455 19125 64914
  非金属矿采选业   nonmetal minerals mining and dressing 7236 7.59 744146 736100 98409 226768
  农副食品加工业   agricultural and sideline products processing 12233 17.32 4029651 3922678 145439 1168914
  食品制造业   food manufacturing 5764 11.11 1879116 1827760 85632 761656
  饮料制造业   beverage manufacturing 8103 8.70 1350099 1334538 136508 791148
  烟草加工业   tobacco processing 7 0.41 809202 924762 126674 420028
    纺织业   textile industry 13684 32.92 4886456 4666953 303994 2358291
    纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业   textile garments , shoes and caps products 20420 52.12 5084170 4962675 396445 1163697
  leather , furs , down and relate products 13049 56.31 4797932 4683384 295285 1332775
  timber processing , bamboo , cane , palm
       fiber and straw products
10506 14.92 1436344 1392187 125157 537365
    家具制造业   furniture manufacturing 3476 7.98 1010038 973620 54465 239933
    造纸及纸制品业   papermaking and paper products 9382 14.40 2382970 2347991 145274 1520511
    印刷业和记录媒介的复制   printing and record medium reproduction 5322 6.88 822065 806392 80161 413834
    文教体育用品制造业   cultural , educational and sports goods 1938 7.09 677944 663506 35029 268146
  petroleum processing , coking and nuclear
       fuel processing
225 0.50 1124337 1138861 38743 479711
    化学原料及化学制品制造业   raw chemical materials and chemical products 7601 11.73 3333061 3236491 407316 2302242
    医药制造业   medical and pharmaceutical products 505 2.14 553300 520636 47558 321317
    化学纤维制造业   chemical fiber 415 1.78 981373 951927 79343 810252
    橡胶制品业   rubber products 3492 10.65 1367077 1328861 90806 761276
    塑料制品业   plastic products 12694 22.94 3302236 3240859 196252 1130202
    非金属矿物制品业   nonmetal minerals products 35555 53.07 6644328 6588147 665411 3307593
    黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业   smelting and pressing of ferrous metals 2298 5.21 2945975 2885785 146447 1160361
    有色金属冶炼及压延加工业   smelting and pressing of nonferrous metals 1091 2.59 1052205 1043588 117308 594873
    金属制品业   metal products 6398 10.14 1635087 1614447 111074 613119
    通用设备制造业   general equipment 9766 14.20 2164210 2118248 169638 735822
    专用设备制造业   special purpose equipment 4752 8.15 1822174 1742908 163561 543821
    交通运输设备制造业   transport equipment 5720 11.48 2981181 2819993 182597 1156503
    电气机械及器材制造业   electric equipment and machinery 4321 15.98 3494900 3416211 279830 872136
  telecommunications , computer , and other
       electronic equipment
1977 17.68 11924378 11845198 672052 1933963
  instruments , meters , cultural and clerical
2242 7.03 1047243 1033322 60368 297636
    工艺品及其他制造业   handicraft article and other manufacturing 12892 33.64 2680750 2626216 206876 697136
  waste resources and materials recovering 682 0.57 65218 64368 7870 15410
    电力、热力的生产和供应业   production and supply of electric power
       and hot power
3731 10.50 5334056 5341259 358096 10637786
    燃气生产和供应业   production and supply of gas 22 0.16 60202 73864 -5985 108519
    水的生产和供应业   production and supply of water 469 1.64 190461 188965 7452 1037762
note:the data of this table is the first national economic census data.