9-2  工业总产值
gross output value
单位:万元     (10000 yuan)
      item 2004 2005
                     total 85445006 99958880
按轻重分   grouped by light &heavy industry              
  轻工业     light industry   38094058 45024794
  重工业     heavy industry   47350949 54934086
按登记注册分   grouped by status of registration          
  国有     stated-owned     5989228 4032673
  集体     collective-owned  1714125 1859995
  股份合作           share holding cooperative                969380 1134083
  联营                   cooperative          604613 722098
  有限责任公司      limited liability corporations 6222733 10903393
  股份有限公司      share holding enterprises 2766520 3076387
  私营企业               private enterprises              15087788 18897087
  港澳台商投资企业      enterprises with funds from hongkong,macao and taiwan 515547 25941047
  外商投资企业     foreign funded enterprises 22813979 22356107
  其他企业     others         18476553 432287
    个体   individual 10284539 10603724
按规模分   grouped by size  
  大型       large scale          14899868 19784235
  中型       medium scale  24079449 29831393
  小型       small scale             46465689 50343252
按行业分  grouped by sector
  煤炭开采和洗选业   coal mining and dressing 412746 609075
  黑色金属矿采选业   ferrous metals  mining and dressing 277182 384437
  有色金属矿采选业   nonferrous metals mining and dressing 141195 174514
  非金属矿采选业   nonmetal minerals mining and dressing 744146 841644
  农副食品加工业   agricultural and sideline products processing 4029651 4665512
  食品制造业   food manufacturing 1879116 2107449
  饮料制造业   beverage manufacturing 1350099 1612049
  烟草加工业   tobacco processing 809202 877297
纺织业 textile industry 4886456 5923373
纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业 textile garments , shoes and caps products 5084170 6185713
leather , furs , down and relate products 4797932 6054521
timber processing , bamboo , cane , palm fiber and straw products 1436344 1740009
家具制造业 furniture manufacturing 1010038 1177159
造纸及纸制品业 papermaking and paper products 2382970 2737655
印刷业和记录媒介的复制 printing and record medium reproduction 822065 895759
文教体育用品制造业 cultural , educational and sports goods 677944 895026
petroleum processing , coking and nuclear fuel processing 1124337 1259181
化学原料及化学制品制造业 raw chemical materials and chemical products 3333061 3919969
医药制造业 medical and pharmaceutical products 553300 674881
化学纤维制造业 chemical fiber 981373 1349143
橡胶制品业 rubber products 1367077 1543968
塑料制品业 plastic products 3302236 3786287
非金属矿物制品业 nonmetal minerals products 6644328 7557542
黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业 smelting and pressing of ferrous metals 2945975 3685280
有色金属冶炼及压延加工业 smelting and pressing of nonferrous metals 1052205 1310137
金属制品业 metal products 1635087 2219433
通用设备制造业 general equipment 2164210 2428271
专用设备制造业 special purpose equipment 1822174 2038215
交通运输设备制造业 transport equipment 2981181 3447021
电气机械及器材制造业 electric equipment and machinery 3494900 3844928
telecommunications , computer , and other electronic equipment 11924378 13044786
instruments , meters , cultural and clerical machinery 1047243 1222010
工艺品及其他制造业 handicraft article and other manufacturing 2680750 3051820
waste resources and materials recovering 65218 68182
电力、热力的生产和供应业 production and supply of electric power and hot power 5334056 6314688
燃气生产和供应业 production and supply of gas 60202 75022
水的生产和供应业 production and supply of water 190461 236926