8-28  畜禽存栏数
number of livestock and poultry on hand
  item 1995 2000 2004 2005
1.大牲畜存栏数(万头) number of large livestock on hand (10000 heads) 103.84 111.55 108.39 105.92
  #役畜(万头)       livestock for drough on farming(10000 heads)  90.93 78.01 62.32 60.89
        牛(万头)            bull(10000 heads) 103.74 111.44 107.84 105.69
        #乳牛(万头)   cow(10000 heads)       2.09 3.59 7.19 6.97
2.猪存栏数(万头) number of hogs on hand(10000 heads)     863.04 1087.66 1254.12 1277.40
  #能繁殖母猪(万头)   number of female hogs with fertility(10000 heads) 66.71 76.27 94.84 97.97
3.羊存栏数(万头)   number of sheep on hand (1000)(10000 heads)  67.99 96.22 128.94 136.00
4.蜜蜂年末箱数(万箱) number of beehive at year-end(10000 boxes) 20.17 23.09 32.13 35.32
5.家兔年末数(万只)  number of domestic rabbit at year-end (10000 unit) 581.05 714.40 801.87 822.67
6.家禽年末数(万只)  number of poultry at year-end(10000 unit) 10201.47 10930.19 11920.25 11600.69