8-2  乡村劳动力资源及实有从业人员
resource of rural labour and actual employment
单位:万人 (10000 persons)
            item 2004 2005
一、乡村劳动力资源总数 amount resource of rural labour 1483.42 1490.55
    #劳动年龄内人口 population at working age 1367.46 1370.21
二、乡村实有从业人员 actural employment in rural 1311.52 1313.01
    #劳动年龄内从业人员   employment at working age 1233.28 1237.05
    按性别分   by male
            male 706.49 708.16
            female 605.03 604.85
    按部门分   by sector
      农林牧渔业     farming, forestry, animal husbandy and fishery 722.74 692.17
      工业     industry 192.78 209.18
      建筑业     construction 84.75 87.40
      交通运输、仓储及邮政业     transport, storage and post services 39.32 40.50
      信息传输、计算机服务和软件业     information transmission, computer software and services 2.75 3.02
      批发与零售业     wholesale and retail trade 65.35 69.46
      住宿与餐饮业     lodgings and catering services 15.90 18.90
      房地产业     real estate 2.94 2.83
      卫生、社会保障和社会福利业     health care, social ensure and walfare 7.08 7.17
      教育、文化、体育和娱乐业     education, culture, sports and entertainment 9.64 9.80
      科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业     scientific reseach, ploytechnic services
          and geological prospecting
1.02 1.02
      金融、保险业     finance and insurance 2.33 2.26
      乡镇组织管理     toenship organization mansgement 3.35 3.20
      其他     others 161.58 166.11
       #外出合同工、临时工        outside contract and temporary labourer 82.59 87.00
三、国有农林牧渔业从业人员 employment of state-owned, parming, forestry,
          animal husbandy and fishery
8.19 7.50
四、外出乡村实有从业人员 actual outside employment in rural 308.42 333.36
五、外来乡村实有从业人员 actual employment from outside in rural 166.66 175.55