7-6  金融系统年末分项存贷款余额
deposits and loans balance of financial institutions by item
单位:亿元 (100 million yuan)
    item 2000 2003 2004 2005
1.各项存款             deposits            3114.32 5178.29 5992.79 7248.40
  企业存款               deposits of enterprises             1002.17 1561.01 1842.60 2164.86
    活期                   demand     779.09 1228.48 1402.32 1571.17
    定期                   time            223.08 332.53 440.28 593.69
  财政存款               treasury deposits 39.58 51.74 92.63 128.33
  机关团体存款           deposits of agencies and social organizations 75.27 238.33 270.72 358.67
  储蓄存款               saving deposits           1767.59 2924.65 3322.26 3903.05
    活期                   demand             692.69 1236.79 1424.11 1661.50
    定期                   time               1074.90 1687.86 1898.15 2241.55
  农业存款               agricultural deposits             54.87 84.94 103.12 131.92
  信托存款               truste deposits           39.33 16.13
  委托存款               commission deposits   34.74 -0.06 6.54 6.43
  其他存款               others deposits             100.78 317.66 354.92 539.02
2.各项贷款             loans        2438.82 3837.51 4367.05 5068.68
  #短期贷款               short-term loans             1728.01 2039.25 2213.05 2366.93
    #工业贷款               industrial loans       405.56 595.35 705.30 785.19
      商业贷款               commercial loans        328.68 329.18 303.71 241.33
      农业贷款               agricultural loans    140.12 243.51 279.37 335.42
      三资企业贷款           loans to sino-foreign joint venture and
     cooperative enterprises and
     foreign-funded enterprises   
205.45 159.20 152.25 144.96
    中长期贷款             medium-term &long-term loans        510.32 1422.42 1799.83 2350.80
    #基本建设贷款           capital construction loans 309.74 672.62 821.39 1049.28
    信托贷款             credit loans 18.73 4.37 2.57 21.85
    融资贷款             collecting capital loans         0.53 0.18 0.38 0.30
    委托贷款             commission loans 26.69 1.07 1.03 0.98
3.国家银行年末存款余额 deposits of state banks at year-end 2341.56 3796.42 4248.79 5035.84
  国家银行年末贷款余额 loans of state banks at year-end 1875.51 2822.98 3132.85 3453.13
4.商业银行年末存款余额 deposits of commercial banks at year-end 2457.21 4360.43 4998.13 5991.54
  商业银行年末贷款余额 loans of commercial banks at year-end 1991.38 3257.25 3682.40 4191.44
note:a)commercial banks coverage from 2001 is not the same as that of previons years.b)the data from 2004 is include foreign banks.