7-4  主要年份各项事业行政经费支出
government expenditures on administration by category in selected years
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
 #农    #工交商 #城市建 #文   #行 
    事业费      设维护      卫生事业费   管理费      会救济费
year total expenditure
for agriculture 
operating expenses
of industrial,
transportation and
city construction
and maintenance 
culture, education, government pension and
for agriculture    science and health administration social relief
1952 8292 216 568 25 3010 3362 545
1957 15176 1279 1285 92 5605 5720 896
1962 23820 4680 1314 58 9395 6239 1145
1965 28175 5563 1147 392 11280 6818 1532
1970 33632 6832 1525 470 10692 10570 1463
1975 51206 10332 1149 1282 20184 9688 2019
1978 76411 19454 1905 1277 27858 12677 2742
1979 93940 26180 2160 1674 32771 13331 3361
1980 92903 22729 2842 2382 39273 15473 3975
1981 103739 21499 3543 3227 45352 17429 4942
1982 118032 22648 4269 3390 51557 18926 5421
1983 131048 23240 4311 4887 57328 21808 5733
1984 156881 24240 5347 5926 66378 27737 6250
1985 194373 26163 6671 10948 80480 31187 8896
1986 233112 32460 7065 13031 95347 35488 8251
1987 253850 33772 6754 14668 99933 38459 9593
1988 324358 40957 7244 17074 123597 55503 12101
1989 413639 51944 10179 23626 152848 72200 12189
1990 496933 58557 11100 25176 172591 86470 15521
1991 557917 62875 12179 27087 195090 97599 16343
1992 655797 73265 12967 28137 230331 119370 20292
1993 858139 85812 17425 53026 274575 150294 25112
1994 1049712 98370 21757 51985 379730 215249 29617
1995 1300676 112499 24105 73629 439864 253796 34310
1996 1544382 128824 29014 96494 525565 307991 33857
1997 1933888 142471 36266 92967 628724 357321 39760
1998 2154254 184638 36959 97421 708045 407755 47973
1999 2360327 198479 43389 94835 797806 446134 57064
2000 2742387 218719 44022 102382 912787 483672 59513
2001 3151020 241511 51220 125436 1036441 537093 65305
2002 3459361 251339 65903 112237 1155666 623551 79431
2003 3933443 271358 81584 128797 1316588 718436 96399
2004 4483806 300185 102961 142780 1447298 814894 134465
2005 5126157 331806 122253 166059 1614570 949439 171429