7-3  财政一般预算支出
general budgetary expenditure of local government
单位:万元 10000  yuan
    item 2000 2003 2004 2005
支出合计 total expenditure 3241839 4523010 5166787 5930663
1.基本建设支出 expenditure for capital construction 291301 374593 410376 489241
2.企业挖潜改造资金 expenditure for innovation enterprises 110869 143434 192017 217375
3.地质勘探费 expenditure for geological prospecting 9268 13097 12806 14443
4.科技三项费用 expenditure for science and technology
51227 58128 67384 83179
5.流动资金 expenditure for circulating funds  952 315 398 268
6.农业支出 expenditure for agriculture 
172527 184204 203307
7.林业支出 expenditure for forestry 38754 43736 47881
8.水利和气象支出 expenditure for water conservancy and
60077 72245 80618
9.工业交通等部门的事业费 expenditure for operating expenses of
         departments of industry & transportation
35932 70220 89636 110708
10.流通部门事业费 expenditure for operating expenses of
         department of commerce
8090 11364 13325 11545
11.文体广播事业费 expenditure for operating expenses of
         departments of culture, sport & broadcasting
100475 137180 161246 193357
12.教育支出 expenditure for operating expenses of education  619670 929670 1008963 1115121
13.科学支出 expenditure for operating expenses of
         department of science
31231 42527 43837 46787
14.医疗卫生支出 expenditure for public health   161411 207211 233252 259305
15.其他部门的事业费 expenditure for operating expenses of
         department of tax, etc.
148725 250683 283742 315885
16.抚恤和社会福利救济费 expenditure for pensions and relief funds for
         social welfare
59513 96399 134465 171429
17.行政事业单位离退休经费 expenditure for retired persons in administrative
158782 273823 321619 361597
18.社会保障补助支出 expenditure  on subsidies to social security
69452 84712 94099 102766
19.国防支出 expenditure for national defense   6656 10497 15872 17354
20.行政管理费 expenditure for  government administration   270645 366675 424795 493542
21.外交外事支出 expenditure for foreign affairs   1973 1933 2027 1791
22.武装警察部队支出 expenditure for armed police troops    9364 14026 16580 19473
23.公检法司支出 expenditure for public security agency,
        procuratorial agency and court of justice
213027 351761 390099 455897
24.城市维护费 expenditure for city maintenance   102382 128797 142780 166059
25.政策性补贴支出 expenditure for price subsidies  122127 68662 67797 63207
26.支援不发达地区支出 expenditure for supporting underdeveloped areas 35268 29845 38494 42714
27.海域开发建设和场地使用费支出 expenditure for developing land and sea area 117 1002 2576 2667
28.车辆税费支出 exprnditure for taxes of vehicles 217 19878
29.债务利息支出 exprnditure for loans 2312 27991 12443
30.专项支出 expenditure for special  items  56138 77689 81087 104792
31.其他支出 other  expenditure    348525 505097 589122 706034