7-2  财政地方级一般预算收入
general budgetary revenue of local government
单位:万元 10000  yuans
    item 2000 2003 2004 2005
收入合计 total revenue 2341061 3047095 3335230 4326003
1.增值税 value-added tax  353461 543961 302590 731267
2.营业税 operation tax 582053 847298 1017528 1246076
3.企业所得税 enterprises'  income tax 321959 368133 479272 542646
4.企业所得税退税 return for enterprises'  income tax -3243 -63
5.个人所得税 individual income tax 247517 212552 245318 274137
6.资源税 resources tax 7007 14501 17485 21436
7.固定资产投资方向调节税 tax on the adjustment of  the investment
         in the fixed assets
8784 69 52 103
8.城市维护建设税 tax on  town maintenance and construction 97646 139206 159994 185544
9.房产税 tax on real estates 95496 131463 144535 169576
10.印花税 stamp tax 18309 34770 43997 55267
11.城镇土地使用税 tax on  theuse of  urban land 15746 20168 22900 29400
12.土地增值税 land value added tax 4326 9874 16100 40785
13.车船使用和牌照税 tax on the use of vehicles and ships 6055 9804 12105 12662
14.屠宰税 slaughter tax 5051 601
15.农业税 agricultural tax 18220 11785 7835
16.农业特产税 tax on special agricultural products 81425 37141 39307 22021
17.耕地占用税 tax on the occupancy of  cultivated land 13474 20931 27668 32003
18.契税 contract tax 55799 115484 168277 209093
19.国有资产经营收益 state-downed assets profit 46372 25143 50214 77751
20.国有企业计划亏损补贴 planning subsidies to loss-suffering stated-owned
-3553 -2944 -2472 -2477
21.行政性收费收入 income from adiministr-ative fees 74946 214450 253209 290876
22.罚没收入 penalty and confiscatory income 101764 165018 180686 213993
23.海域场地矿区使用费收入 income from use of  sea area, fieldand diggings 695 1442 2562 4897
24.专项收入 expert project income 64036 82689 98182 120693
25.其他收入 other income 127716 43619 47886 48254