5-22  农民人均家庭经营纯收入
peasants’ per capita net income from family business
单位:   (yuan)
                   item 2000 2003 2004 2005
家庭经营纯收入         net income from household business   1844.27 2019.50 2206.92 2365.02
  种植业收入           planting         769.96 829.76 977.44 1050.63
  林业收入             forestry           69.18 73.43 76.29 89.35
  牧业牧入             animal husbandry 188.04 225.01 253.71 274.17
  渔业收入             fishery           84.91 122.29 129.52 141.55
  工业收入             industry           100.68 122.11 86.73 82.55
  建筑业收入           construction         151.32 147.69 147.98 147.14
  交通、运输和邮电业收入   transport,post and telecommunication services 108.27 147.98 156.04 173.05
  批发和零售贸易、餐饮业收入   wholesale and retail trade and catering services 159.97 169.65 189.27 225.51
  社会服务业收入   social services 65.38 84.48 88.82 87.61
  文教卫生业收入   culture,education and health care 21.21 25.45 22.83 13.69
  其他家庭经营收入    others  125.37 71.66 78.29 79.78