4-13  按各类分组的房地产开发投资
completion of real estate investment
     item 2000 2003 2004 2005
完成投资额(万元)         investment of completed    2073691 3620657 4777941 5403902
按登记注册类型分   grouped by status of registration                        
  国有                stated-owned              452819 576938 517559 572840
  集体       collective-owned                        95298 208738 210558 189259
  股份合作          share holding cooperative                41709 69398 53034 23884
  联营                  cooperative          41002 55582 76302 89344
  有限责任公司       limited liability corporations                214898 590657 979928 1072799
  股份有限公司       share holding enterprises                103805 212427 229755 74467
  私营企业             private enterprises              264209 734706 1117949 1785456
  港澳台商投资企业     enterprises with funds from
     hongkong,macao and taiwan
544809 751668 1050197 1061142
  外商投资企业           foreign funded enterprises              304170 396201 506765 514713
  其他企业       other enterprises                    10972 24342 35894 19998
按构成分                   by use of funds               
#建筑工程                 construction   1401960 2438695 3207033 3343117
  安装工程                 installation  77820 151746 162234 225972
  设备工器具购置           purchase of equitment
     and instruments
39495 26659 26028 39738
按工程用途分               by use of project                
  商业营业用房             house for busines use  299123 382660 439281 478198
  住宅                 residential building  1250655 2376658 3084475 3637199
  办公楼                 office buildings    152004 106394 91476 107594
  其他                 others    371909 754945 1162709 1180911
按隶属关系分               by administrative relationship        
  中央                       cental government   7188 14621 20951 1943
  地方                       local project   2066503 3606036 4756990 5401959
  #省       province 178567 229721 331931 94526