4-12  主要年份房地产开发投资完成情况
completion of real estate investment
     item 2000 2003 2004 2005
企业个数(个)         investment of completed    1922 1900 2433 2596
完成投资额(万元)         investment of completed    2073691 3620657 4777941 5403902
新增固定资产(万元) newly increase fixed assets    1576166 2090111 2211868 2489658
本年资金来源(万元) source of funds this year  3465967 6235711 8304963 9821190
  上年末结余资金  funds of last year-end 697401 1104327 1530552 1781911
  国内贷款  domestic loans 447781 986461 1001313 1568495
  利用外资  foreign investment  249419 121847 155106 148117
  自筹资金  fundraising  542103 1252934 1963369 2171544
  其他资金来源  others 1529263 2770142 3654623 4151123
  #定金及预收款   booked and prepayed money 1167779 2254709 3180317 3179998
施工面积(万平方米)       floor space under construction   3422.88 4891.04 5795.69 6107.75
#新开工面积   newly started 1102.86 1903.00 1911.63 2196.57
#住宅                 residential buildings 2388.39 1571.39 4566.92 4806.27
本年竣工面积(万平方米)             floor space completed this year   1009.36 1362.95 1523.91 1576.16
#住宅               residential buildings 771.81 1074.29 1260.55 1304.85
土地开发投资额(万元)     investment of land development 202448 332255 212003 296706
土地购置费(万元)       purchase of land   343168 707419 1034001 1348658
完成土地开发面积(万平方米) land space under development 585.74 1019.81 632.36 726.14
土地购置面积(万平方米) purchased land space 901.07 1519.37 1619.14 1822.55
商品房屋销售额(万元)   sales of commercial houses   1689647 2871627 3544719 6050925
#住宅(万元)       residential buildings     1193865 2224564 2812572 4819032