1-4  各个计划时期主要经济指标总量
total of main economic indicators during each planned periond
                       item 一五时期 二五时期 1963-1965 三五时期 四五时期 五五时期 六五时期 七五时期 八五时期 九五时期 十五时期
1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period 5th period 6th period 7th period 8th period 9th period 10th period
1.地区生产总值(亿元) gross domestic product100 million yuan 88.53 128.56 78.36 153.26 220.81 326.78 708.73 1865.67 6258.04 15693.79 25856.35
    第一产业(亿元)   primary industry100 million yuan 50.93 51.52 36.78 72.26 95.99 124.03 254.66 562.42 1445.59 2993.48 3626.75
    第二产业(亿元)   secondary industry100 million yuan 20.70 40.91 20.61 42.87 78.18 132.41 257.67 663.58 2568.44 6639.25 12152.04
    第三产业(亿元)   tertiary industry100 million yuan 16.90 36.13 20.97 38.13 46.64 70.43 196.40 639.67 2244.01 6061.06 10077.56
2.农林牧渔业总产值(亿元) gross output value of farming,foresty,animal husbandry
          and  fishery100 million yuan
68.77 71.67 50.86 98.50 131.84 180.74 367.63 859.08 2247.77 4797.69 6014.53
  工业总产值(亿元) output value of industry100 million yuan 33.79 82.51 42.51 99.42 184.50 311.83 591.74 1880.27 7863.87 16600.48 34815.28
3.财政总收入(亿元) total budgtary revenue100 million yuan 12.94 30.23 17.72 27.09 43.90 62.57 82.42 212.53 589.87 1430.07 2866.21
  地方财政收入(亿元) budgtary revenue of local government (100 million yuan) 935.98 1618.00
  地方财政支出(亿元) expenditures of local government100 million yuan 9.29 36.17 13.68 26.80 48.55 67.71 99.40 255.83 585.82 1282.96 2332.79
4.全社会固定资产投资(亿元) total investment of fixed assets100 million yuan 12.01 31.11 12.52 20.97 46.61 64.65 160.12 463.41 1961.66 4859.46 8116.94
  全社会新增固定资产(亿元) total floor space completed of residential buildings
        100 million yuan
10.41 22.99 11.02 14.59 34.64 47.92 125.90 375.86 1287.27 3822.92 4796.46
  全社会住宅竣工面积(万平方米) total floor space completed of residential buildings
        10000 sq.m
                                          6967.18 10728.98 14516.56 18536.93 16854.48
5.货物周转量(亿吨公里) freight ton-kilometers 100million ton-kilometers 26.51 131.94 90.34 177.91 244.85 372.41 669.09 1704.06 2234.90 3292.33 5808.55
  旅客周转量(亿人公里) passenger-kilometers100million ton-kilometers 26.97 77.98 46.10 88.70 126.17 198.12 487.94 816.02 1112.35 1435.66 2070.13
  主要港口货物吞吐量(亿吨) volume of freight handled at major ports100 million ton 0.06 0.11 0.06 0.10 0.13 0.18 0.32 0.67 1.27 2.52 6.64
  邮电业务总量(亿元) business volume of post and telecommunication services
          (100 million yuan
1.13 2.85 1.80 2.82 3.75 5.21 8.07 21.56 137.66 730.64 1716.67
6.社会消费品零售总额(亿元) total retail sale of consumer goods100 million yuan 44.70 65.27 46.94 83.32 104.40 164.37 342.37 818.91 2044.60 5361.39 9241.69
  进出口总额(亿美元) total imports and exportsusd 100 million 32.88 137.97 504.84 894.77 1882.89
  #出口总额(亿美元)   total exportsusd 100 million             17.24 72.84 270.31 518.63 1166.62
note:business volume of post and telecommunication services is calculated at 2000 constant price since 2001.