1-2  国民经济主要指标
main indicators of national economy
                               item 1952 1978 1990 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
1.地区生产总值(亿元)                    gross domestic product100 million yuan 12.73 66.37 522.28 2094.90 3159.91 3414.19 3764.54 4072.85 4467.55 4983.67 5763.35 6568.93
    第一产业(亿元)                     primary industry100 million yuan 8.39 23.93 147.01 464.82 610.04 628.86 640.57 651.11 664.78 692.94 786.84 831.08
    第二产业(亿元)                    secondary industry100 million yuan 2.42 28.19 174.47 882.34 1335.05 1434.30 1628.45 1803.50 2036.97 2340.82 2770.49 3200.26
    第三产业(亿元)     tertiary industry100 million yuan 1.92 14.25 200.80 747.74 1214.82 1351.03 1495.52 1618.24 1765.80 1949.91 2206.02 2537.59
  总产出(亿元)                           total output100 million yuan 18.43 138.83 1175.79 5483.28 8220.00 8877.25 9870.58 10506.33 11324.01 12866.74 14912.98 17004.31
  财政总收入(亿元)                   total budgetary revenue100 million yuan 2.20 15.13 57.06 184.58 281.42 312.57 369.67 428.33 476.21 551.00 622.57 788.11
  地方财政收入(亿元)                 revenue of local government100 million yuan 117.37 187.92 208.92 234.11 274.28 272.89 304.71 333.52 432.60
  地方财政支出(亿元)                 expenditure of local government100 million yuan 1.25 15.14 68.45 171.58 254.87 279.24 324.18 373.19 397.56 452.30 516.68 593.07
  金融系统存款年末余额(亿元)               deposits of financial system at the year-end100 million yuan 1.22 25.95 359.45 1458.91 2557.30 2924.61 3114.32 3614.26 4253.07 5178.29 5992.79 7654.12
  金融系统贷款年末余额(亿元)               loans of financial system at the year-end100 million yuan 0.27 31.43 381.75 1184.86 1942.78 2255.50 2438.82 2864.76 3110.05 3837.51 4367.05 5068.68
  银行现金收入(亿元)                       cash income of banking system100 million yuan 5.95 35.38 555.13 3531.20 10787.83 12661.88 14799.25 17870.46 17009.54 19289.67 23037.42 23592.72
  银行现金支出(亿元)                       cash expenditures of banking system100 million yuan 6.16 35.70 537.62 3540.42 10821.58 12772.64 14837.47 17916.91 17055.22 19340.97 23071.47 23655.89
2.年末总人口(万人)                       population at the year-end10000 person  1270 2446 3037 3237 3299 3316 3410 3440 3466 3488 3511 3535
3.社会从业人员(万人)                     employment10000 person 473.66 924.41 1348.38 1567.10 1621.87 1630.85 1660.19 1677.79 1711.32 1756.71 1814.03 1868.49
  #职工(万人)                             staff and workers10000 person 19.43 205.66 310.86 344.11 334.53 320.39 318.00 314.27 315.32 334.08 365.56 386.99
    城镇个私劳动者(万人)                     individual households &employment in urban areas10000 person 32.83 1.88 25.28 66.04 78.57 88.07 90.19 98.90 111.35 128.40 128.32 155.42
4.全社会固定资产投资(亿元)               total investment in fixed assets100 million yuan 0.62 13.35 115.41 681.17 1048.52 1040.00 1082.47 1134.48 1230.76 1507.87 1899.10 2344.73
  #国有经济(亿元)                         state-owned100 million yuan 0.37 8.66 69.49 306.70 429.57 450.63 436.49 484.42 501.35 574.95 632.51 785.82
    集体经济(亿元)                         collective-owned100 million yuan 0.12 2.22 12.17 61.10 113.25 63.58 43.58 47.66 51.09 61.25 69.80 70.80
    个人投资(亿元)                         individuals100 million yuan 0.13 2.47 31.69 132.33 181.87 159.39 160.75 157.82 155.12 232.80 328.55 418.68
    房地产(亿元)                           real estate investment100 million yuan                   13.47 151.37 165.63 178.62 207.37 225.49 248.99 362.07 477.79 540.39
5.物价指数(以上年价格为100) price indices(preceding year=100)                                                      
  居民消费价格指数 general consumer price index 98.0 100.2 99.3 115.2 99.7 99.1 102.1 98.7 99.5 100.8 104.0 102.2
  #服务项目价格指数   services price index                   105.7 118.2 105.3 123.4 129.9 102.7 102.7 103.2 102.4 104.0
  固定资产投资价格指数 investment in fixed assets price index                            104.8 98.0 98.5 100.2 99.5 99.7 101.4 103.4 100.7
  工业品出厂价格指数 ex-factory price indices of industrial products                            115.7 95.7 96.6 100.5 98.1 97.6 100.7 102.6 100.2
  工业企业原料燃料动力购进价格指数 purchasing price index of raw material,fuel and power                            119.6 92.5 97.9 112.4 96.7 97.6 106.3 113.3 108.1
6.人民生活 people's livelihood                                                      
  职工工资总额(亿元)                     total wages of staff and workers100 million yuan 0.72 11.17 65.55 196.64 282.12 301.59 334.62 376.23 409.23 468.89 559.85 648.14
  职工平均工资(元)                     average wage of staff and workersyuan 385 567 2162 5857 8531 9490 10584 12013 13306 14310 15603 17146
  城镇居民人均可支配收入(元)           per capita disposable income of urban residentsyuan 106 371 1749 4853 6486 6860 7432 8313 9189 10000 11175 12321
  农民人均纯收入(元)                   per capita net income of peasantsyuan 70 138 764 2049 2946 3091 3230 3381 3539 3734 4089 4450
  居民储蓄存款年末余额(亿元)             deposits of residents at the year-end100 million yuan 0.32 6.56 183.26 794.91 1565.18 1739.01 1767.59 2030.94 2430.46 2924.65 3322.26 3903.05
7.农林牧渔业总产值(亿元)                gross output value of farming,forestry,animal husbandry and 11.07 36.33 227.12 738.63 973.37 1010.82 1037.27 1061.61 1088.70 1150.79 1317.28 1396.15
 fishery100 million yuan
  主要农产品产量 output of major farm products                                                      
        食(万吨)                         grain10000 tons 372.00 744.89 879.64 919.93 958.11 942.17 854.68 817.28 763.23 713.16 736.45 715.18
        料(万吨)                         oil-beaning crops10000 tons 9.89 13.80 17.66 23.28 24.62 25.81 25.79 26.08 25.86 26.03 27.82 27.42
        蔗(万吨)                         suger cane10000 tons 71.26 288.03 344.28 248.60 219.33 138.76 82.71 95.54 117.91 118.12 101.57 93.33
        烟(万吨)                         flue-cured10000 tons 0.10 1.23 4.26 5.72 7.18 8.57 9.14 9.87 10.72 10.13 11.31 11.51
    黄 红 麻(万吨)                         jute and ambary hemp10000 tons 1.27 2.53 0.30 0.13 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03
        叶(万吨)                         tea10000 tons 0.49 2.03 5.82 9.45 11.89 12.35 12.60 13.39 14.33 15.02 16.44 18.48
        果(万吨)                         fruits10000 tons 6.01 10.10 75.78 239.33 343.04 394.10 356.44 401.19 424.93 441.68 468.90 479.36
    猪牛羊肉(万吨)                         pork,beef and mutton10000 tons 0.20 24.27 61.65 82.04 110.51 113.27 118.24 124.77 131.00 138.42 148.29 157.81
    造林面积(千公顷)                         area of forest1000 hectare 34.33 194.71 303.91 41.74 25.12 23.93 24.51 21.01 17.49 16.72 16.31 24.22
    水 产 品(万吨)                         aquatic products10000 tons 15.93 54.44 145.59 317.56 475.92 502.32 527.89 542.49 558.71 572.77 591.21 602.22
    食 用 菌(万吨)                         sort10000 tons                   18.24 38.24 36.38 40.84 46.25 43.83 46.31 49.01 52.01 55.60
8.工业总产值(亿元)                       output value of industry100 million yuan 4.20 63.14 531.48 2638.52 3218.51 3479.84 3994.86 4398.08 5260.20 6616.61 8544.50 9995.89
  主要工业品产量 output of major industrial products                                                      
        煤(万吨)                         coal10000 tons 0.30 423.05 925.37 1134.18 727.18 577.14 375.03 512.33 644.51 778.22 1076.05 1331.74
        盐(万吨)                         salt10000 tons 10.58 94.67 67.21 72.28 50.35 41.51 28.37 31.23 34.23 41.18 46.00 34.49
    糖(万吨)                               sugar10000 tons 4.79 28.92 32.68 17.42 16.84 18.75 6.11 3.60 5.17 8.68 6.05 6.25
        头(万吨)                         canned food10000 tons          4.10 14.41 45.64 29.67 36.89 26.78 25.84 34.12 47.74 63.31 78.57
        烟(万箱)                         cigarettes10000 cases 0.93 20.37 76.41 81.35 86.15 85.14 98.62 101.33 104.81 107.81 114.61 121.00
    布(亿米)                               cloth100 million metres 0.11 1.12 2.26 3.86 7.28 8.18 5.59 7.34 7.96 10.37 10.78 20.13
    纱(万吨)                               yarm10000 tons          1.84 5.48 8.08 10.85 13.61 14.36 16.34 22.93 39.65 54.46 68.00
    机制纸及纸板(万吨)                     machine-made paper and paperboards10000 tons 0.11 20.08 52.09 104.33 72.07 100.47 85.07 102.99 123.64 143.84 165.86 187.11
    农用化肥(万吨)                         chemical fertilizer10000 tons          16.40 43.64 51.04 63.51 61.15 61.38 55.84 60.69 56.69 60.27 60.27
        碱(万吨)                         caustic soda10000 tons          4.32 8.70 11.87 12.89 14.23 15.64 16.46 18.69 24.67 24.88 25.51
        泥(万吨)                        cement10000 tons          120.45 540.04 1511.17 1594.46 1825.81 1513.64 1525.53 1698.69 2116.27 2245.34 2713.62
    平板玻璃(万重量箱)                         plate glass(10000 weight cases)          43.59 66.06 302.42 520.14 477.20 479.87 442.71 508.11 511.85 536.53 641.51
        铁(万吨)                         pig iron10000 tons          26.57 62.60 83.59 141.81 159.96 149.37 172.21 180.41 214.83 305.97 393.96
    钢(万吨)                               stell10000 tons          16.16 51.66 55.49 113.32 128.98 124.94 155.27 211.98 256.04 319.20 382.33
      材(万吨)                         rolled-steel10000 tons          13.82 56.28 91.32 213.18 247.76 283.79 333.50 368.14 452.94 568.40 735.90
    电视机(万台)                           television10000 unit)           0.21 135.52 149.24 165.37 204.62 275.41 199.77 278.26 279.90 309.67 397.09
    发电量(亿千瓦时)                           electricity100 million kwh 0.12 40.69 136.65 261.55 322.70 356.00 403.73 446.32 533.08 610.70 659.64 778.25
9.交通邮电 transport , post and telecommunication                                                      
  货运量(万吨)                             treight traffic10000 tons 156 4861 20321 28922 30010 28637 29483 30547 31837 33422 37279 40400
  货物周转量(亿吨公里)                         freight ton-kilometers(100 million ton-km) 1.44 74.03 272.71 608.61 661.61 746.71 687.65 779.92 827.44 1223.82 1401.26 1576.11
  客运量(万人)                             passenger traffic(10000 persons) 251 7928 39495 40080 42047 41413 44203 47393 49134 48097 53950 55615
  旅客周转量(亿人公里)                         passenger-kilometers(100 million passenger-km) 1.72 35.73 175.40 247.65 279.76 301.58 333.97 372.72 392.00 386.19 441.40 477.82
  主要港口货物吞吐量(万吨)                 volume of freight handled at major ports10000 tons 56.68 408.13 1496.50 3460.80 4518 5285 6944 8278 10201 12495 15835 19605
  邮电业务总量(亿元)   business volume of post snd telecommunication services(100 million yuan 0.13 1.01 7.32 52.75 131.84 179.93 246.34 194.43 257.49 318.24 426.76 519.75
10.社会消费品零售总额(亿元)              total retail sales of consumer goods100 million yuan  5.54 30.56 207.74 645.47 1089.59 1198.55 1320.80 1442.32 1593.76 1797.76 2062.03 2345.82
11.进出口总额(亿美元)        total exports and imports(customs)usd 100 million                    43.39 144.46 171.61 176.20 212.23 226.26 283.99 353.26 475.27 544.11
    出口总额(亿美元)                       total exportsusd 100 million                    24.49 79.08 99.64 103.52 129.08 139.22 173.71 211.32 293.95 348.42
    进口总额(亿美元)                       total importsusd 100 million                   18.90 65.38 71.97 72.68 83.15 87.04 110.28 141.94 181.32 195.69
  外商直接投资合同数(项) number of agreement of foreign direct investment(old scope)(unit)                   1043 2728 2006 1439 1463 1670 1825 2274 2277 1988
  外商直接投资合同金额(万美元) value of agreement of foreign direct investment(usd 10000)         
      (历史可比口径)                     (old scope)          116183 890647 500150 489996 431373 500717 694419 725117 754307 855655
      (报表口径)                     (new scope) 390089 477321 537299 595715
  实际利用外商直接投资金额(万美元) value of actually used fdi (usd 10000)         
      (历史可比口径)                     (old scope)          29002 403881 421211 402403 380386 391804 424995 494329 531802 622984
      (报表口径)                     (new scope) 387492 407506 474801 540816
      (验资口径)                      (scope by found examination) 222120 260775
12.科技教育 education,science and technology                                                       
  企事业单位专业技术人员(万人)           numter of scientific and technical personel in enterprises(10000 person)          8.41 50.08 50.96 57.72 59.03 59.28 58.78 58.23 57.48 57.51 58.13
  专利授权数(项)                       number of patent certifiedunit                   276 933 2318 2934 3003 3296 4001 5377 4758 5147
  普通高等学校数(所)                   institutions of higher educationunit 5 16 36 30 30 30 28 32 33 49 53 66
    在校学生数(万人)                        students enrollment10000 person  0.47 2.05 5.56 7.17 8.51 10.26 13.13 16.74 19.73 25.74 32.57 40.70
    专任教师数(万人)                       full-time teachers10000 person  0.06 0.41 0.89 0.84 0.83 0.89 0.98 1.07 1.25 1.62 2.09 2.49
  中等专业学校数(所)                   secondary schoolsunit 51 58 103 109 112 118 118 109 106 355 389 391
    在校学生数(万人)                        students enrollment10000 person 1.91 2.63 5.89 9.68 11.83 12.89 12.90 13.40 13.09 37.76 40.08 44.77
    专任教师数(万人)                       full-time teachers10000 person 0.11 0.22 0.60 0.67 0.71 0.72 0.69 0.68 0.61 1.74 1.73 1.75
13.文化卫生 culture and public health                                                      
  图书出版量(万册、万张) number of books published10000 valume   72 6818 16311 18448 21596 21875 20298 17891 19953 15595 13907 10643
  杂志出版量(万份)                       number of magazines issued10000 unit    109 388 3157 4239 3899 3990 4463 4470 4089 3937 3450 2841
  报纸出版量(万份)                        number of newspaper issued10000 unit      1916 14784 41455 51526 59543 64195 68897 73185 79061 79809 89681 87962
  卫生机构数(个)                        number of health institutionsunit 633 3809 4885 4537 10159 10154 9807 9765 8714 8525 8672 7932
  #医院、卫生院(个)                            number of hospitalsunit 113 1111 1198 1257 1315 1313 1323 1331 1362 1323 1315 1318
  卫生技术人员数(万人)                    medical technical personnel10000 person 1.73 5.49 8.68 9.28 9.74 9.75 9.76 9.94 9.51 9.69 10.05 10.09
  #医生(万人)   number of doctors10000 person  1.14 2.21 3.57 3.91 4.19 4.25 4.15 4.24 4.03 4.13 4.36 4.43
  医疗床位数(万张)                        number of hospital beds10000 unit 0.69 5.15 6.80 7.36 8.93 9.01 9.01 8.98 8.70 8.66 8.78 8.82
注:1.本表产值指标均按当年价计算;2.粮食产量1988年以后为抽样调查数,1987年以前为各级上报数;3.1998年起职工人数、职工工资总额、平均工资统计口径为在岗职工;4.2002年财政收支口径有调整;5.邮电业务总量2000年及以前年份按1990年不变价格计算, 2001年起按2000年可比价格计算;6.2003年中等专业学校指中等职业教育学校。 note:1)output indicators in this table are calculated at current prices. 2)grain output from 1988 is derived from spot surrey.it was derived from reports of different levels before 1987. 3)from 1998, the statistic scope of staff and workers, total wages of staff and workers, and average wages refers to the staff and workers on the job. 4)statistic scope of budgetary revenue and expenditure in 2002 is adjusted. 5)business volume of post and telecommunication services before 2000 is calculated at 1990 constant prices, and it is calculated at 2000 comparable prices since 2001. 6)in 2003,the dara of seconday schools include vocatioonal secondary schools.