19-12  企业家信心指数(2002年)
entrepreneurs' confidence expectation index, 2002
项目 item 一季度 二季度 三季度 四季度
1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
企业家信心指数 entrepreneur expectation index 113.9 112.7 115.8 118.9
一、按行业门类分 grouped by sector        
   工业   industry 117.0 120.5 125.2 130.1
     采掘业   mining and quarrying 100.0 85.7 107.7 92.3
     制造业   manufacturing 116.3 122.0 127.1 131.7
  electric power gas and water production
   and supply     
123.3 113.0 114.4 124.0
   建筑业   construction                              88.3 81.8 87.5 87.6
   交通运输、仓储及邮政业   post and telecommunication                    105.2 95.3 96.6 88.9
   批发和零售业   wholesale, retail trade  97.9 99.4 94.2 110.4
   房地产业   real estate trade                             141.6 128.4 135.1 134.2
   社会服务业   social servies 137.3 129.9 131.5 130.4
   信息传输、计算机服务和软件业   information transmission, computer
   services and software
161.7 135.3 148.5 132.8
   住宿和餐饮业   hotel and catering services 123.3 129.9 125.0 123.8
二、按企业登记注册类型分 grouped by ownership        
   国有企业   state-owned enterprises 103.2 99.8 102.8 107.3
   集体企业   collective-owned enterprises 85.6 81.8 86.0 88.8
   股份合作企业   cooperatice enterprises 91.3 91.3 91.3 90.9
   联营企业   joint-ownership enterprises 102.6 110.7 109.7 125.5
   有限责任公司   limited liability companies 104.7 113.3 115.3 112.9
   股份有限公司   share-holding companies 131.4 135.2 128.3 146.0
   私营企业   private enterprises 138.5 125.6 122.6 141.4
   外商及港、澳、台投资企业   enterprises invested by foreigners or
   investors from hongkong, macro
   and taiwan
134.6 134.0 141.4 140.4
三、按企业规模分 grouped by size scale        
  大型及特大型   super-large and large size 126.3 130.0 135.7 144.8
    特大型     super-large size 89.3 112.1 109.8 109.8
    大型     large size 129.5 131.6 138.0 147.9
  中小型   small and medium size 107.0 104.7 105.6 106.8
    中型     medium size 112.1 113.4 115.5 114.6
    小型     small size 103.8 99.2 99.4 102.0
四、特殊分组 grouped by special enterprises        
  国家重点企业   key state enterprises 131.5 135.0 127.3 137.3
  乡镇企业   township enterprises 122.6 110.3 122.5 123.2
  上市公司   listed companies 129.5 139.2 124.9 159.5
  国有控股企业   state-holding enterprises 106.0 105.7 105.5 111.9
  名牌产品企业   provincial enterprises with famous
117.2 136.5 138.9 146.0
  百家重点企业   provincial 100 key enterprises 120.8 139.2 144.7 150.4
note:a)the sectors from table 19-12 to 19-26 are classified according to national standand in classification of economic sectors (gb/t4754-2002). b)social sectors in this table include, lease and trade services, enviornment and public facilities management, residents service and other services.