17-7 农村村级卫生组织情况
Health Organizations in Rural Areas at Village Level
  2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2019 2020
项目  Item
  村设置医疗点数(个) 17476 18222 19976 19010 18280 17596 17173
    Medical Treatment Stations of Villages(unit)              
  执业(助理)医师(人)   2478 3390 3513 4192 3790 5107
    Chartered(Assistant) Doctors(person)              
  注册护士(人)     264 329 443 461 595
    Certified Nurses(person)              
  乡村医生和卫生人员数(人) 30769 30384 28868 26902 23295 21161 19397
    Number of Rural Doctors and Medical Personnel(person)              
    乡村医生 20974 29139 28405 26113 22527 20586 18846
        Rural Doctors              
    卫生员 9795 1245 463 789 768 575 551
        Medical Personnel