16-3 群众文化(艺术)馆站业务活动及经费情况(2020年)
Basic Statistics on Activities and Expenditures of Mass Art Centers and Cultural(2020)
项目 Item    
群众文化(艺术)馆 文化站
Total Mass Cultural(Art) Centers Cultural Stations
  单位数(个)  Number of Units(unit) 1220 98 1122
  从业人员(人)  Persons Employed(person) 4019 995 3024
  举办展览(个)  Number of Exhibitions(unit) 3702 864 2838
  组织文艺活动(次)  Art Performances and Story-telling  Sessions(time) 16144 2765 13379
  举办训练班(次)  Training Courses(time) 13417 5866 7551
  培训人次(千人次)  Number of Persons Completing
      Courses(1000 person-times)
575 231 344
  组织公益性讲座次数(次)  Number of Organization Public Lectures(time) 536 536  
  本年收入总额(千元)  Total Income(1000 yuan)(1000 yuan) 627846 408113 219733
  本年支出合计(千元)  Total Expenditures(1000 yuan) 605852 386234 219618