15-12 各级各类民办教育基本情况(2020年)
Basic Statistics on Private Schools by Level and Type of Schools(2020)
单位:人 (person)
项目 Item            
毕业生数 招生数 在校学生数 教职工数  
Number of Schools(unit) Number of Graduates New Enrollment Total Enrollment Teachers and Staff Full-time Teachers
  民办高等教育  Private Higher Education 36 63501 100087 296408 19772 14315
    民办高校   Private Institutions of Higher Education
31 47038 82532 230949 14802 10489
      本科    Undergraduate Courses
11 22952 33712 107345 8211 5747
      专科    Specialized Courses
20 24086 48820 123604 6591 4742
    独立学院   Non-university Tertiary
5 16463 17555 65459 4970 3826
      本科    Undergraduate Courses
5 16463 17555 65459 4970 3826
  高中阶段教育  Senior Secondary Education
102 31477 46021 116635 22794 7276
    高中   Private Regular Senior Secondary Schools
83 21518 32729 86047 21680 6444
    中等职业学校   Private Vocational Secondary Education
19 9959 13292 30588 1114 832
  初中阶段教育  Junior Secondary Education
80 52274 62321 178164 8894 11462
    初中   Private Regular Junior Secondary Schools
80 52274 62321 178164 8894 11462
  民办普通小学  Private Regular Primary Schools
89 23913 22731 135307 4908 3730
  民办幼儿园  Private Kindergartens
5802 309998 290821 772407 109710 56955