14-3 限额以上批发和零售企业基本情况(2020年)
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trades(2020)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项目 法人企业
Number of Corporation
Total Goods Purchase
Wholesale Inventory at the Year-end
  合计 17956 430042535 458825929 384835402 24436683
    批发业 10628 369591486 391693674 378578915 18060354
            By Registration Category
        内资企业 10307 348590217 368551340 356221184 17025701
                Domestic Funded Enterprises
         国有企业 57 5548397 8006343 7964944 292984
                    State-owned Enterprises
          集体企业 23 227542 241960 220825 28348
                    Collective-owned Enterprises
          有限责任公司 707 124375763 126791844 125535304 7506890
                    Limited Liability Corporations
          股份有限公司 21 28196040 28761637 28746803 2451386
                    Share-holding Corporations Ltd.
          私营企业 9498 190240138 204746959 193750712 6745994
                    Private Enterprises
        港澳台商投资企业 175 12851460 13976113 13525525 636164
                Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
        外商投资企业 146 8149809 9166221 8832206 398489
                Foreign Funded Enterprises
        By Sector          
      农、林、牧、渔产品批发 299 10211330 10297526 10150354 1298861
            Wholesale of Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry
      食品、饮料及烟草制品批发 1230 27635134 31776143 29576515 1912329
            Wholesale of Food, Beverages  and Tobaccos          
        米、面制品及食用油批发 148 3746511 3704080 3530882 840494
                Sholesale of Rice, Wheat Products and   Rdible Oil
        烟草制品批发 18 8269195 10809533 10803799 243355
                Wholesale of Tobaccos          
      纺织、服装及家庭用品批发 2365 44990305 51415196 48286108 1349180
            Wholesale of Textiles, Garments and   Daily Consumer
        服装批发 673 10924935 12442608 11690669 481258
                Wholesale of Garments          
        日用家电批发 104 1098406 1178589 1087595 123074
                Wholesale of Family Electrical Equipments          
      文化、体育用品及器材批发 298 9105291 9488790 9191690 393446
            Wholesale of Culture, Sports Products  and Appliances
      医药及医疗器材批发 426 7494834 8328425 7929359 761991
            Wholesale of Medicines and Medical Appliances
      矿产品、建材及化工产品批发 4208 228923661 236327890 232139285 9269113
            Wholesale of Mineral Products, Building  Materials and
                 Chemical Products
        煤炭及制品批发 253 28203154 29378108 28805925 1323730
                Wholesale of Coal and Its Products          
        石油及制品批发 283 22602202 23215214 21902985 602647
                Wholesale of Petroleum and Its Products          
        金属及金属矿批发 1027 111621397 113713586 113094690 3062669
                Wholesale of Metal and Metal Mineral
        建材批发   1402 22894599 24080682 22801063 1142056
                Wholesale of Building Materials          
        化肥批发 76 1254808 1392606 1346150 109622
                Wholesale of Chemical Fertilizer          
      机械设备、五金产品及电子产品批发 1289 21419571 23188616 21433847 1376984
            Wholesale of Machinery, Equipment, Hardware,Transport
                 and Electic Products
        汽车及零配件批发 266 5340794 5500428 4880433 337622
                Wholesale of Motor Vehicles          
        计算机、软件及辅助设备批发 111 1163523 1367282 1250445 87327
                Wholesale of Computer Software and  Supplementary
      贸易经纪与代理 36 2380520 2390878 2387721 58967
            Trade Broker and Agent
      其他批发业 477 17430840 18480211 17484036 1639482
            Other Wholesale not Classified Elsewhere          
    零售业 7328 60451049 67132255 6256487 6376329
        Retail Trade          
            By Registration Category          
        内资企业 7118 50172728 55945043 4614429 5711443
                Domestic Funded Enterprises          
         国有企业 13 31302 36571 3183 892
                    State-owned Enterprises          
          集体企业 65 463673 514220 77991 8423
                    Collective-owned Enterprises          
          有限责任公司 418 6112570 6782182 681610 537369
                    Limited Liability Corporations          
          股份有限公司 17 3060344 2347923 1245583 142564
                    Share-holding Corporations Ltd.          
          私营企业 6596 40482098 46240151 2606061 5021820
                    Private Enterprises          
        港澳台商投资企业 99 2061598 2366155 315339 212909
                Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan          
        外商投资企业 111 8216724 8821057 1326719 451978
                Foreign Funded Enterprises          
        By Sector          
      综合零售 637 8573770 9199659 202195 515837
            General Retail          
        百货零售 188 2099121 2391901 68559 123583
                Retail of Consumer Goods          
        超级市场零售 321 5822821 6079467 62149 363546
                Retail of Supermarkets          
      食品、饮料及烟草制品专门零售 1148 3845959 4538704 296628 2318974
            Retail of Food, Beverages and Tobaccos          
      纺织、服装及日用品专门零售 410 3386712 3991248 312106 384110
            Retail of Textiles, Garments, Shoes  and Hats          
        服装零售 144 1435126 1630078 149468 291667
                Retail of Garments          
      文化、体育用品及器材专门零售 233 2089575 2387659 419990 198489
            Retail of Culture, Sports Products and  Equipments          
        图书、报刊零售 12 542099 553472 252078 87029
                Retail of Books,Newspapers and Magazines          
      医药及医疗器材专门零售 197 1167235 1339692 118876 167953
            Retail of Medicines and Medical  Appliances          
        西药零售 151 997321 1144632 108647 132728
                Retail of Medicines          
        中药零售 39 154529 178184 2777 34166
                Chinese medicine          
      汽车、摩托车、零配件和燃料及其他动力销售 1576 23746581 25008099 3038096 1637706
            Retail of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles Fule and Parts          
        汽车新车零售 1076 15573055 16578211 374544 1324841
                Retail of Motor Vehicles          
        机动车燃油零售 304 7054622 6999685 2593125 251100
                Retail of Vehicles Fule          
      家用电器及电子产品专门零售  615 2814207 3469226 118475 168844
            Retail of Family Electric Equipment and Product          
        家用视听设备零售 44 243214 274279 7316 13367
                Retail of Family Electric Equipment          
        日用家电零售 294 1406457 1927976 37788 94117
                Retail of Daily-use Electric Equipment          
        计算机、软件及辅助设备零售 143 518799 565405 36110 16725
                Wholesale of Computer Software and Supplementary
        通信设备零售 89 490867 529407 32584 34137
                Retail of Telecommunicate Equipment          
      五金、家具及室内装饰材料专门零售 636 3451693 4031672 188911 275153
            Retail of Hardware, Furniture and Inside Decoration
      货摊、无店铺及其他零售业 1876 11375317 13166295 1561211 709264
            Retail of No Stores and Others