
建筑业统计单位  指从事房屋、构筑物建造和设备安装活动的法人企业。建筑业法人企业应同时具备的条件是:①依法成立,有自己的名称、组织机构和场所,能够承担民事责任;②独立拥有和使用资产,承担负债,有权与其他单位签订合同;③独立核算盈亏,能够编制资产负债表。

建筑业总产值(即自行完成施工产值)  指以货币表现的建筑安装企业在一定时期内生产的建筑业产品和提供的服务的总和。建筑业总产值包括:





房屋建筑施工面积  指在报告期内施工的全部房屋建筑面积,包括本期新开工的房屋面积、上期施工跨入本期继续施工的房屋面积、上期停缓建在本期恢复施工的房屋面积、本期竣工的房屋面积及本期施工后又停缓建的房屋面积。

房屋建筑竣工面积  指在报告期内房屋建筑按照设计要求全部完工,达到了住人和使用条件,经验收鉴定合格,正式移交使用单位的房屋建筑面积。

主营业务收入  指企业经营主要业务所实现的收入。如果会计“利润表”列示“主营业务收入”项目,则根据其本年累计数填报;或者,根据会计“主营业务收入”科目的本年各月贷方余额(结转前)之和填报,如未设置该科目,以“营业收入”代替填报。

利润总额  指企业在一定会计期间的经营成果,是生产经营过程中各种收入扣除各种耗费后的盈余,反映企业在报告期内实现的盈亏总额。利润总额为营业利润加上营业外收入,减去营业外支出后的金额,根据会计“利润表”中“利润总额”项目的本年累计数填报。

主营业务成本  指企业经营主要业务所发生的成本总额。根据会计“主营业务成本”科目的本年各月借方余额(结转前)之和填报。如未设置该科目,以“营业成本”代替填报。


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Statistical Unit in the Construction Industry  refers to corporate enterprise engaged in the construction of buildings and structures and in the installation of equipment.A corporate construction enterprise should have qualification certifieates with independent accounting system,and should meet the following 3 requirements:being set up in line with relevant legal basis,having its full name,organization and location,and capable of taking civil liabilities;independently possessing and using its assets and assuming its liabilities,and entitled to sign contracts with other institutions;and making independent accounts of its profits and losses,and capable of compiling its own balance sheet.

Gross Output Value of Construction (Output Value of Projects Under Construction) refers to total of construction products and services, expressed in money terms, completed by construction and installation enterprises during a given period of time. It includes:

(1) Output value of construction projects, that is the value of projects covered by the project budgets;

(2) Output value of installation projects, that is the value of the installation of equipment, (excluding the value of the equipment to be installed);

(3) Output value of repair of buildings and structures, that is the value created through the repairs of buildings or structures,but does not include the value of buildings or structures being repaired and the value of the repair of production equipment;

(4) Output value of manufactured non-standard equipment, that is the value of non-standard production equipment (including raw materials and manufacturing cost) made for the construction project, and the equipment manufactured by subsidiary workshops.

Floor Space of Buildings Under Construction  refers to floor space of buildings under construction during the reference period, including newly started buildings,buildings started earlier and Continued during the reference period,and buildings suspended earlier but restarted during the reference period, buildings completed during the reference period, and buildings under construction and then suspended during the reference period.

Floor Space of Buildings Completed  refers to the floor space of buildings that are completed in the reference period in accordance with the requirements of the design, up to the standard for putting them into use, and have been checked and accepted by concerned departments as qualified ones.

Revenue from Principal Business  refers to the income realized by an enterprise in its main business. If the "main business income" item is listed in the accounting "income statement", it shall be filled in according to its cumulative amount of the current year; Alternatively, fill in according to the sum of the credit balance of each month of the current year (before carry forward) of the account "main business income". If this account is not set, fill in instead of "business income".

Total Profits  refers to the operating results of an enterprise in a certain accounting period. It is the surplus of various incomes deducting various expenses in the process of production and operation, and reflects the total profit and loss of the enterprise in the reporting period. The total profit is the amount of operating profit plus non operating income minus non operating expenses, which is filled in according to the cumulative amount of the "total profit" item in the accounting "income statement" in this year.

Costs of Principal Business  refers to the total cost incurred by the enterprise in operating its main business. Fill in and submit according to the sum of the debit balance (before carry forward) of each month of the current year in the account "main business cost". If this account is not set, fill in with "operating cost" instead.