12-5 各种资质等级建筑企业主要经济指标(2020年)
Major Indicators of Construction Enterprises by Grade(2020)
项目 合计        
总承包       专业
Item 一级及
二级 三级及其他 一级 二级 三级及
Total General Contract First and Above Second Third and Others Special Contract First and Above Second Third and Others
  企业单位数(个) 7027 5279 413 902 3964 1748 331 1041 376
    Number of Enterprises(unit)                  
  建筑业总产值(亿元) 14117.80 12975.89 8117.54 2922.89 1935.46 1141.91 567.01 365.32 209.58
    Gross Output Value
         (100 million yuan)
    建筑业竣工产值 6033.58 5631.24 3613.73 1218.64 798.87 402.34 187.49 132.05 82.79
        Output Value of Completed                  
  房屋施工面积(万平方米) 82671.20 80849.62 58974.65 15319.99 6554.98 1821.57 699.89 548.72 572.96
    Floor Space of Building under
         (10000 sq.m)
   本年新开工 26914.19 26028.17 17277.30 6187.38 2563.49 886.02 265.71 236.66 383.65
        Newly Started  Building in  Current Year                  
  房屋竣工面积(万平方米) 18231.74 17560.23 11460.54 4023.12 2076.57 671.51 306.13 175.25 190.13
    Floor Space of Building
         (10000 sq.m)
   住宅 12931.99 12596.01 8669.84 2944.21 981.97 335.99 132.51 57.45 146.03
        Residential Building                  
  年末从业人员(万人) 483.79 446.19 273.70 101.66 70.82 37.57 17.82 13.16 6.58
    Number of Staff & Workers
         at the  Year-end(10000 persons)
  按总产值计算的劳动生产率(元/人) 285578 285610 297204 280659 251205 285401 311690 253707 282457
    Overall Labor Productivity In Terms of Gross Output Value
  工资总额(亿元) 2810.68 2599.05 1686.41 548.99 363.66 211.63 94.32 78.94 38.38
    Total Wages(100 million yuan)                  
    Financial Indicators
         (100 million yuan)
    资本金合计 1805.78 1540.07 657.14 416.25 466.68 265.71 112.44 101.56 51.70
        Total Capital                  
    流动资产年末数 6703.66 5975.12 3641.67 1319.58 1013.87 728.54 348.57 223.86 156.11
        Circulating Funds at Year-end                  
    固定资产原值 750.04 643.32 316.97 173.41 152.94 106.72 40.25 35.92 30.55
        Original Value of Fixed Assets                  
    营业收入 11421.15 10367.25 6521.67 2309.98 1535.60 1053.90 519.13 339.75 195.02
        Business Revenue                  
    主营业务收入 11267.30 10232.25 6487.78 2252.90 1491.57 1035.06 511.30 331.44 192.32
        Revenue from Principal Business                  
    主营业务成本 10291.83 9378.17 6018.44 2037.97 1321.76 913.66 448.39 293.80 171.46
        Costs of Principal Business                  
    利润总额 417.94 378.93 221.36 90.15 67.41 39.01 21.77 11.53 5.71
        Total Profits                  
     营业利润 415.55 377.14 221.60 88.94 66.59 38.41 21.62 11.21 5.58
            Business Profits                  
    利税总额 810.53 733.12 414.85 182.05 136.22 77.41 42.00 22.46 12.95
        Total Pre-Tax Profits