11-11 国有控股工业企业主要经济指标(2020年)
Main Financial Indicators of State-holding Industrial Enterprise(2020)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项目 企业单位数(个) 资产总计 负债合计 固定资产原价 固定资产净值 所有者权益合计 营业收入 主营业务收入 利润总额 利税总额 所得税费用 应交增值税
Item Number of Enterprises
Total Assets Liabilities Original Value of Fixed Assets Net Value of Fixed Assets Owner's equity Revenue Sale Revenue Total Profit Total Profits and Tax Income Tax Value Added Tax Payable
  合计 535 112143781 64681122 86817806 50344968 47375031 74229140 72277750 3609361 8335716 529527 1642396
    Grouped by Subordination                        
    中央企业 85 42878768 28796554 47031487 27748935 14082213 24396682 24033216 1059570 3393157 162235 838422
        Central Enterprises                        
    地方企业 450 69265013 35884568 39786319 22596033 33292818 49832459 48244534 2549791 4942559 367293 803974
        Local Enterprises                        
    Grouped by Light &Heavy Industry                        
    轻工业 99 7537316 2478040 3204900 1385938 5060320 6360681 6131212 600011 2713090 70355 338564
        Light Industry                        
    重工业 436 104606465 62203082 83612906 48959030 42314711 67868459 66146539 3009350 5622626 459172 1303831
        Heavy Industry                        
    Grouped by Size of Enterprises                        
    大型企业 37 66372329 39030723 56834836 32100945 27341606 43908728 43072809 2063409 6174039 259084 1270076
        Large Scale                        
    中型企业 98 20877696 10662254 14170753 7403397 10215443 13392116 12795490 1031815 1378959 192294 252955
        Medium Scale                        
    小型企业 340 16643048 9180526 11269576 7099251 7462521 14435185 14170842 666171 821261 100499 100215
        Small Scale                        
    微型企业 60 8250707 5807620 4542641 3741375 2355461 2493112 2238609 -152034 -38544 -22350 19149
    Grouped by Sector                        
   煤炭开采和洗选业 11 780622 294342 291127 160948 419971 232884 201732 22077 46223 9286 17203
        Coal Mining and Dressing                        
    黑色金属矿采选业 4 601201 336100 530810 371427 265101 357859 356251 47888 74579 11108 19801
        Ferrous Metals  Mining and Dressing                        
    有色金属矿采选业 8 190017 57893 277368 74234 132125 251726 248344 18646 32773 3989 4873
        Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing                        
    非金属矿采选业 11 568815 81926 200285 173822 486888 169407 169230 24810 33278 5915 5062
        Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Quarrying                        
    农副食品加工业 18 237354 188073 78816 46882 49280 586705 555288 16194 18546 461 849
        Agricultural and Sideline Products Processing                        
    食品制造业 10 487534 175735 139982 94284 311799 120392 117276 -3657 584 316 2898
        Food Manufacturing                        
    酒、饮料和精制茶制造业 9 214853 34721 148466 49603 180132 138026 136638 12450 27204 3291 6641
        Wine,Drink and Tea Manufacturing                        
    烟草制品业  6 2661449 739464 1339376 405007 1921986 3055853 2968374 205295 2222170 22862 268650
        Tobacco Processing                        
    纺织服装、服饰业 5 43558 4276 18527 6890 39283 21760 21597 1823 4742 294 2582
        Textile Garments Products                        
    木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业 6 311596 187028 178463 92637 124568 213557 213057 10537 13443 -596 2058
        Timber Processing,Bamboo,Cane,Palm Fiber and Straw
    造纸和纸制品业  4 463308 131065 334983 127538 332243 172187 168721 -1774 7653 279 7794
        Papermaking and Paper Products                        
    印刷和记录媒介复制业 11 260389 93085 107628 33919 167304 128676 106803 19960 25595 3984 4578
        Printing and Record Medium Reproduction                        
    石油、煤炭及其他燃料加工业  4 10605782 6231930 11683501 6342970 4373852 12282550 12141646 377601 1779344 29797 439566
        Petroleum Processing , Coking and Nuclear Fuel Processing                        
    化学原料和化学制品制造业 29 7082967 5605182 4199532 3352613 1477785 4398684 4042838 -141766 -6755 -29171 35678
        Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products                        
    医药制造业  14 1322945 204958 389567 164037 1119031 677147 676121 275108 318851 30870 36281
        Medical and Pharmaceutical Products                        
    化学纤维制造业 3 145101 114905 105750 51503 30196 163408 100803 -6353 -5188 44 447
        Chemical Fiber                        
    非金属矿物制品业 50 1375644 641345 666795 325124 733684 1492941 1454589 159275 208298 23364 40513
        Nonmetal Minerals Products                        
    黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业  10 6734665 3470308 3655035 2079588 3264356 6440010 6149369 241057 345312 77269 83008
        Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals                        
    有色金属冶炼和压延加工业  21 12466673 6781133 2590751 1583021 5678623 12958029 12743941 457680 588070 16672 89612
        Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals                        
    金属制品业  9 130975 66628 51526 33654 64347 244397 210716 10633 14441 2760 3270
        Metal Products                        
    通用设备制造业 11 707692 364790 224331 134295 342902 292726 274645 30714 34267 3303 1626
        General Equipment                        
    专用设备制造业  8 408959 210688 107672 46216 198271 191306 182935 5351 10525 540 3819
        Special Purpose Equipment                        
    汽车制造业 10 2272928 1865119 1145942 700691 407810 2255481 2176427 -64454 -53623 342 -8668
        Car Manufacturing                        
    铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业 8 1938606 1647671 576494 397322 290935 484881 473192 -166832 -163275 -3223 841
        Railway,Watercraft,Aviation and others transportation
    电气机械和器材制造业  17 1489757 1098655 344797 261045 391102 1253955 1241476 44368 46685 1277 -488
        Electric Equipment and Machinery                        
    计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业 28 11826318 4747262 6228134 4019056 7079055 4702156 4591613 343981 462406 21690 91704
        Computer,Communication and other Electronic Equipment                        
    废弃资源综合利用业   6 129789 91149 58222 43150 38639 169397 168886 -816 16783 409 15560
        Waste Resources and Materials Recovering                        
    金属制品、机械和设备修理业 6 84784 45012 43861 35785 39772 67030 63890 5095 6432 911 1149
        Metals,Machinery and Equipment maintenance                        
    电力、热力生产和供应业 131 39578772 25443742 47019566 26677835 14135029 18218180 17961065 1416508 1937389 231920 436822
        Production and Supply of Electric Power and Hot Power                        
    燃气生产和供应业   9 1271692 567740 1302403 761137 703952 1508989 1454952 168512 176612 40886 4411
        Production and Supply of Gas                        
    水的生产和供应业   52 5454273 3029568 2608090 1596398 2409877 597329 528003 55760 82912 13761 20229
        Production and Supply of Water