9-9 商业保险公司业务经济技术指标(2020年)
Economic and Technical Indicators of Insurance Companies(2020)
单位:亿元 (100 million)
项目 保险金额  保费收入 赔款及给付
Item Amount Insured Premium Claim and Payment
  财产保险公司 853298.71 390.04 243.16
    Property Insurance Companies      
     # 企业财产险 34310.77 16.37 7.42
            Enterprise Property Insurance      
      家庭财产险 14538.11 2.75 0.78
            Family Property Insurance      
      机动车辆险 123645.84 238.81 143.21
            Motor Vehicle Insurance      
      船舶险 2723.55 3.32 1.90
            Ship Insurance      
      货物运输险 14889.86 3.73 1.79
            Freight Transport Insurance      
      特殊风险保险 1382.60 1.30 2.82
            Special Risk Insurance      
      建筑、安装工程 3178.11 3.93 2.66
            Construction and Installation Projects      
      责任险 79382.57 23.75 12.06
            Liability Insurance      
      信用险 2901.51 11.90 7.04
            Credit Insurance      
      保证保险 2092.41 20.57 16.43
            Guarantee Insurance      
      农业险 1193.32 7.17 4.77
            Agriculture Insurance      
  人寿保险公司 314630.86 852.21 150.07
    Life Insurance Companies      
    人身保险 38036.81 619.98 86.50
        Personal Insurance      
      个人业务 33695.38 618.61 83.47
      团体业务 4341.43 1.37 3.03
    健康险 196467.06 210.51 58.94
        Health Insurance      
    人身意外伤害险 80126.99 21.72 4.64
        Unforeseen Human Insurance