9-3 一般公共预算支出
General Public Budgetary Expenditure of Local Government
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
  2010 2015 2018 2019 2020
项目  Item
  支出合计 16950906 40015778 48326930 50779329 52160979
    Total Expenditure          
1.一般公共服务 2119124 3080207 4294732 4587841 4675189
    Expenditure for General Public Service          
2.外交   10646   1127  
    Expenditure for Foreign Affairs          
3.国防 32680 68544 50731 60947 56193
    Expenditure for National Defense          
4.公共安全 1206017 2252409 3388110 3328555 3435465
    Expenditure for Public Safety          
5.教育 3277681 7575096 9250606 9685449 10315731
    Expenditure for Operating Expense of Education          
6.科学技术 323057 766007 1152537 1334065 1494377
    Expenditure for Operating Expense of Department
         of Science
7.文化体育与传媒 271014 848159 847306 1040040 1128752
    Expenditure for Operating Expense of Culture ,
         Sport Broadcasting
8.社会保障和就业 1482366 3417705 4681506 5078865 5723365
    Expenditure for Operating Expense of Social Welfare
         and Employment
9.医疗卫生 1175835 3511905 4416958 4677641 5219588
    Expenditure for Public Health          
10.环境保护 397865 955694 1240388 1795465 1564246
    Expenditure for Enviromental Protection          
11.城乡社区事务 1076788 3786992 6235168 5588739 4224147
    Expenditure for Neithbourhood Service Centre
         of Urbam and Rural
12.农林水事务 1603355 4418607 4315149 4420628 4500504
    Expenditure for Agriculture , Foresty
         and Water Conservancy
13.交通运输 1252071 3461952 2689926 2550023 2340639
    Expenditure for Transportation          
14.工业商业金融等事务 1044916 4080809 5125957 628542 104777
    Expenditure for Industry  Trade and Finance