9-2 地方一般公共预算收入
General Public Budgetary Revenue of Local Government
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
  2000 2005 2010 2019 2020
项目  Item
  收入合计 2341061 4326003 11514923 30529297 30790374
    Total Revenue          
1.增值税 353461 731267 1411033 8500081 8393601
    Value-added Tax          
2.营业税 582053 1246076 3197000    
    Operation Tax          
3.企业所得税 321959 542646 1569118 3990164 3684936
    Enterprises'  Income Tax          
4.个人所得税 247517 274137 563374 1689055 1928130
    Individual Income Tax          
5.资源税 7007 21436 64550 91738 72577
    Resources Tax          
6.城市维护建设税 97646 185544 431149 1239005 1223138
    Tax on  Town Maintenance and Construction          
7.房产税 95496 169576 317362 874682 817361
    Tax on Real Estates          
8.印花税 18309 55267 171193 395737 428873
    Stamp Tax          
9.城镇土地使用税 15746 29400 263343 348741 315993
    Tax on  the Use of  Urban Land          
10.土地增值税 4326 40785 628057 2545301 2296652
    Land Value Added Tax          
11.车船税 6055 12662 59863 243521 263037
    Tax on the Use of Vehicles and Ships          
12.烟叶税     32896 51936 63595
    Tobacco Leaf Tax          
13.耕地占用税 13474 32003 181050 150255 124226
    Tax on The Occupancy of  Cultivated Land          
14.契税 55799 209093 770908 1933138 2197180
    Contract Tax          
15.国有资本经营收入     219530 255253 365457
    State-downed Assets Profit          
16.国有资源(资产)有偿使用收入     414662 3179030 3012239
    Income from use of State-downed resources          
17.行政性收费收入 74946 290876 481761 800676 827631
    Income from Adiministr-ative Fees          
18.罚没收入 101764 213993 292226 1017392 906911
    Penalty and Confiscatory Income          
19.专项收入 64036 120693 352274 2672608 3273577
    Expert Project Income