5-9 人均生活能源消费量
Annual per Capita Energy Consumption of Households
年份 合计
煤炭(千克) 汽油(千克) 液化石油气(千克) 天然气(立方米) 电力(千瓦小时)
Year Total
(kg of SCE)
Coal(kg) Gasoline(kg) Liquefied Petroleum Gas(kg) Natural Gas(cu.m) Electricity(Kwh)
1990 72.87 65.11   0.52   61.39
1991 74.70 62.86   0.59   71.09
1992 84.79 63.92   0.66   95.69
1993 59.66 57.95   2.86   102.23
1994 63.32 57.79   4.19   106.77
1995 90.78 56.53   4.44   108.21
1996 101.97 50.40   8.35   130.02
1997 106.12 50.44   7.46   150.42
1998 114.26 48.97   8.86   171.74
1999 120.30 48.37   8.88   191.56
2000 115.23 46.09   9.21   193.90
2001 127.20 44.93   9.62   209.69
2002 136.03 42.32 1.19 13.49   244.41
2003 144.82 39.83 1.93 15.45   281.75
2004 159.19 38.74 3.60 16.57   313.75
2005 180.37 41.00 3.85 15.15   344.26
2006 196.32 38.92 4.75 16.12   395.18
2007 213.10 34.60 5.02 17.05   453.19
2008 233.24 31.11 6.16 17.69 0.14 520.70
2009 249.92 29.51 12.90 15.86 0.68 573.99
2010 276.02 29.05 18.35 12.30 2.09 649.22
2011 293.02 26.45 18.35 13.58 2.51 711.76
2012 303.66 21.44 18.36 13.21 2.52 760.29
2013 317.28 14.22 21.87 13.04 3.05 805.57
2014 334.01 7.99 22.93 11.57 3.19 881.30
2015 334.11 7.59 23.66 12.08 3.61 870.12
2016 360.11 6.72 24.95 11.90 3.88 952.80
2017 385.69 5.94 25.81 11.67 4.70 1038.74
2018 396.85 5.63 26.49 11.50 5.04 1076.43
2019 411.44 5.18 27.52 10.71 5.65 1126.37
2020 433.80 2.53 27.84 10.53 5.88 1213.47
Note:The data from 2011 to 2019 are estimated on the basis of the seventh Population Census.