4-7 按类分进出口总额(2020年)
Value of of Imports and Exports by Category(2020)
项目 出口总额
(10000 yuan)
(USD 10000)
(10000 yuan)
(USD 10000)
一、初级产品 6931506 1002025 32549947 4694659
    Primary Goods        
    食品及活动物 6131836 886657 4796285 691896
        Food and Live Animals        
      活动物     221 32
            Live Animals        
      肉及肉制品 100870 14525 343755 49570
            Meat and Meat Products        
      乳品及蛋品 11533 1657 743458 107407
            Dairy Products and Eggs        
      鱼、甲壳及软体类动物及其制品 4009276 579930 848083 122002
            Fish, Shellfish, Mollusks and
                 Other Aquatic Invertebrates
      谷物及其制品 31254 4531 941642 135770
            Cereals and Products        
      蔬菜及水果 1199565 173731 383654 55341
            Vegetable and Fruits        
      糖、糖制品及蜂蜜 136706 19764 136396 19826
            Sugar ,Sugar Products and Honey        
      咖啡、茶、可可、调味料及其制品 347271 49989 41044 5930
            Coffee, Tea, Coca, Spices and
                 Their Products
      饲料 51356 7379 1094418 157955
      杂项食品 244007 35151 263614 38064
    饮料及烟类 69808 10053 261285 37644
        Beverages and Tobacco        
      饮料 55924 8054 259921 37446
      烟草及其制品 13884 1999 1364 199
            Tobacco and Tobacco Products        
    非食用原料 645471 93134 19858694 2866822
        Non-edible Raw Materials        
      生皮及生毛皮 169 25 106619 15428
            Raw Hides and Furs        
      油籽及含油果实 1236 179 1573188 226284
            Oil Seeds and Kernels        
      生橡胶 12538 1821 286101 41288
            Raw Rubber        
      软木及木材 47895 6909 1521673 219409
            Cork and Wood        
      纸浆及废纸 4388 632 989083 142628
            Paper Pulp and  Waster Paper        
      纺织纤维(羊毛条除外)及其废料 102283 14730 69275 9995
            Textile Fiber and Related Scrap
                 (Excluding Fleece)
      天然肥料及矿物(煤、石油及宝石除外) 115351 16541 1362434 197167
            Natural Fertilizers and Mineral (Excluding
                 Coal, Petroleum and Germ)
      金属矿砂及金属废料 196759 28488 13876345 2003937
            Metals Ore and Scrap        
      其他动、植物原料 164853 23809 73976 10685
            Other Animal And Vegetable Raw Materials        
    矿物燃料、润滑油及有关原料 58608 8466 7138869 1026713
        Mineral Fuels, Lubrication Oil and
             Related Materials
      煤、焦炭及煤砖 40471 5849 2333418 334660
            Coal, Coke and Briquette        
      石油、石油产品及有关原料 18136 2616 3942424 568302
            Petroleum, Petroleum Products and  Related Materials        
      天然气及人造气 1 ... 863027 123751
            Natural Gas and Man-made Gas        
    动植物油、脂及蜡 25782 3715 494814 71584
        Animal and Vegetable Oil ,Fats and Wax        
      动物油、脂 10662 1533 18595 2698
            Animal Oil and Fats        
      植物油、脂 7978 1137 461994 66816
            Vegetable Oils and Fats        
      已加工的动植物油、脂及动植物蜡 7141 1045 14225 2071
            Processed Animal and Vegetable Oils,Fats and Wax        
二、工业制品 77787353 11234757 23522773 3398151
    Industry Goods        
  化学成品及有关产品 3686007 534059 4049122 584470
    Chemicals and Related  Products        
    有机化学品 380872 54863 962782 138733
        Organic Chemicals        
    无机化学品 481822 69556 123549 17965
        Inorganic Chemicals        
    染料、鞣料及着色料 63265 9152 80916 11683
        Dyestuff , Tanning Extracts and Dye Materials        
    医药品 652326 96590 13819 2013
    精油、香料及盥洗、光洁制品 334934 48224 178363 25844
        Essential Oils, Perfumed Materials and Cosmetics        
    肥料 226711 32619 5 1
    初级形状的塑料 416260 60174 2079877 300082
        Plastics of Primary Pattern        
    非初级形状的塑料 583989 84328 210830 30464
        Plastics of non Primary Pattern        
    其他化学原料及产品 544343 78339 398222 57575
        Other Chemical Raw and Products        
  按原料分类的制成品 17872279 2578661 7869517 1137424
    Products by Raw material        
    皮革、皮革制品及已鞣毛皮 137957 19940 132838 19241
        Leather, Leather Products and Tanned Hides        
    橡胶制品 440558 63587 87274 12631
        Rubber Products        
    软木及木制品(家具除外) 1144438 165153 22225 3230
        Cork and Wooden Products        
    纸及纸板;纸浆、纸及纸板制品 856523 123470 538591 78137
        Paper and Paperboard, Articles of Paper Pulp or Paper
             and Paperboard Products
    纺纱、织物、制成品及有关产品 6239363 898990 780656 112637
        Spin Textile Products and Related Products        
    非金属矿物制品 3662493 528806 503831 72775
        Non Metal Minerals products        
    钢铁 1269264 183394 4469465 646605
    有色金属 904873 130661 1149516 165416
        Non-ferrous Metal        
    金属制品 3216810 464659 185120 26751
        Metal Products        
  机械及运输设备 21944917 3169962 8200910 1184256
    Machinery and Transport Equipments        
    动力机械及设备 1264537 182461 542130 78487
        Power Machinery and Equipments        
    特种工业专用机械 1440157 208284 899340 129987
        Special Industry Equipment        
    金工机械 151035 21729 124244 17880
        Metal working  Machinery        
    通用工业机械设备及零件 3204789 462705 604500 87401
        Ordinary Industry Machinery and Parts        
    办公用机械及自动数据处理设备 1785526 258053 1077703 155542
        Clerical Machinery and Automatic Data
             Processing Equipments
    电信及声音的录制及重放装置设备 4659166 673290 481788 69755
        Telecommunications and Sound Record and
             Replay Equipment
    电力机械、器具及其电气零件 7018883 1013483 3879351 559679
        Power Machinery and Parts        
    陆路车辆(包括气垫式) 1745999 252403 397017 57280
        Land Vehicles        
    其他运输设备 674824 97555 194837 28244
        Other Transportation Equipment        
  杂项制品 33265959 4803994 2560116 370302
    Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles        
    活动房屋、卫生、水道、供热及照明装置 2121788 307056 15554 2238
        Movable Room, Sanitary Equipment, Supply of Hotand
             Lighting Apparatus
    家具及其零件、褥垫及类似填充制品 3526702 509220 88671 12789
        Furniture and Related Parts        
    旅行用品、手提包及类似品 1332979 192186 6483 935
        Tour Goods, Handbags and Related Products        
    服装及衣着附件 8716388 1257270 65827 9490
        Garments and Related Parts        
    鞋靴 6696243 967254 73002 10561
    专业、科学及控制用仪器和装置 2033483 293946 1593855 230746
        Special, Scientific and Controlled Instruments
             and Equipment
    摄影器材、光学物品及钟表 1127126 162933 507803 73313
        Photographic, Optical Instruments and Clocks        
    未列名杂项制品 7711250 1114130 208921 30230
        Other Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles        
  未分类的商品及交易品 1018190 148081 843108 121698
    Unclassified Goods