
常住人口数  指一定时点、一定地区范围内的有生命的个人的总和。年度统计的年末常住人口数指每年1110时的人口数。

出生率(又称粗出生率)  指在一定时期内(通常为一年)平均每千人所出生的人数的比率,一般用千分率表示。计算公式为:



死亡率(又称粗死亡率)  指在一定时期内(通常为一年)一定地区的死亡人数与同期平均人数(或期中人数)之比,一般用千分率表示。计算公式为:


人口自然增长率  指在一定时期内(通常为一年)人口自然增加数(出生人数减死亡人数)与该时期内平均人数(或期中人数)之比,一般用千分率表示。计算公式为:


就业人口  指十五周岁及十五周岁以上人口中从事一定的社会劳动并取得劳动报酬或经营收入的人口。

经济活动人口  指在16岁以上,有劳动能力,参加或要求参加社会经济活动的人口;包括就业人员和失业人员。

各单位的就业人员  指在各级国家机关、政党机关、社会团体及企业、事业单位中工作,取得工资或其他形式的劳动报酬的全部人员。包括在岗职工、再就业的离退休人员、民办教师以及在各单位中工作的外方人员和港澳台方人员、兼职人员、借用的外单位人员和第二职业者。不包括离开本单位仍保留劳动关系的职工。各单位的从业人员反映了各单位实际参加生产或工作的全部劳动力。

城镇登记失业人员  指有非农业户口,在一定的劳动年龄内,有劳动能力,无业而要求就业,并在当地就业服务机构进行求职登记的人员。

城镇登记失业率  指城镇登记失业人数同城镇从业人数与城镇登记失业人数之和的比。计算公式为:


国有单位职工  指在国有经济单位及其附属机构工作,并由其支付工资的各类人员。

城镇集体单位职工  指在城镇集体经济单位及其管理部门工作,并由其支付工资的各类人员。

其他单位职工  指在联营经济、股份制经济、外商投资经济、港、澳、台投资经济单位工作,并由其支付工资的各类人员。

在岗职工  指在本单位工作并由单位支付工资的人员,以及有工作岗位,但由于学习、病伤产假等原因暂未工作,仍由单位支付工资的人员。

工资总额  指各单位在一定时期内直接支付给本单位全部职工的劳动报酬总额。工资总额的计算原则应以直接支付给职工的全部劳动报酬为根据。各单位支付给职工的劳动报酬以及其他根据有关规定支付的工资,不论是计入成本的还是不计入成本的,不论是按国家规定列入计征奖金税项目的,还是未列入计征奖金税项目的,不论是以货币形式支付的还是以实物形式支付的,均包括在工资总额内。

奖金  指支付给职工的超额劳动报酬和增收节支的劳动报酬。

津贴和补贴  指为了补偿职工特殊或额外的劳动消耗和因其他特殊原因支付给职工的津贴,以及为了保证职工工资水平不受物价影响支付给职工的物价补贴。

平均工资  指企业、事业、机关单位的职工在一定时期内平均每人所得的货币工资额。它表明一定时期职工工资收入的高低程度,是反映职工工资水平的主要指标。计算公式为:


平均工资指数  指报告期职工平均工资与基期职工平均工资的比率,是反映不同时期职工货币工资水平变动情况的相对数。计算公式为:


平均实际工资指数  指扣除物价变动因素后的职工平均工资。职工平均实际工资指数是反映实际工资变动情况的相对数,表明职工实际工资水平提高或降低的程度。计算公式为:



Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Total Population  refers to the total number of people alive at a certain point of time within a given area.The annual statistics on total population is taken at midnight,the 3lst of December.

Birth Rate( or Crude Birth Rate)  refers to the ratio of the number of births to the average population during a certain period of time(usually a year) which is often expressed in ‰. The following formula is used:

Brith Rate= (Number of Births/Annual Average Number of Population)×1000

Number of births refers to live births i.e. the births when babies had showed any vital phenomena regardless of the length of pregnancy.

Annual average number of population is the average of the number of population at the beginning of the year and that at the end of the year. Sometimes it is substituted for with the mid year population.

Death Rate(or Crude Death Rate)  refers to the ratio of the number of deaths to the average population (or mid year population) during a certain period of time (usually a year) which is often expressed in‰. The following formula is used:

Death Rate =(Number of Deaths/ Annual Average Number of Population)×1000

Natural Growth Rate of Population  refers to the ratio of natural increase in population(number of births minus number of deaths)in a certain period of time(usually a year)to the average population(or mid year population)of the same period which is often expressed in‰. The following formula is applied:

Natural Growth Rate of Population= [(Number of Births-Number of Deaths )/ Average Number of Population]×1000

Natural Growth Rate of Population=Birth Rate-Death Rate

Employed Population  refers to population aged 15 or over engaging in social labour which generates income.

Economically Active Population  refers to the population aged 16 and over who are capable to work, are participating in or willing to participate in economic activities, including employed persons and unemployed persons.

Persons Employed in Various Units  refer to all the persons working in government agencies of various levels political and party organizations social organizationsenterprises and institutions, and receiving wages or other forms of payment. They include fully-employed staff and workers re-employed retirees teachers in schools run by the local peopleforeigners and Chinese compatriots from Hong Kong Macaoand Taiwan working in various units, part-time employees, employees of other units working temporarily at current posts, and employees holding the second job, but exclude staff and workers who have left their working units while keeping their labour contract (employment relation) unchangedThis indicator reflects the total number of laborers actually engaged in production or other operations in various units.

Registered Urban Unemployed Persons  The registered unemployed persons in urban areas refer to the persons who are registered as permanent residents in the urban areas engaged in non-agricultural activities, aged within the range of working age, capable to labour, unemployed but desirous to be employed and have been registered at the local employment service agencies to apply for a job.

Registered Urban Unemployment Rate  Registered unemployment rate in urban areas refers to the ratio of the number of the registered unemployed persons to the sum of the number of employed persons and the registered unemployed persons . The formula is as follows:

Registered urban unemployment rate = [number of registered urban unemployed persons/(number of urban employed persons + number of registered urban unemployed persons) ]×100%

Staff and Workers in State-owned Economic Units  refer to the persons who work in the state-owned economic units or their attached units and are listed in their payrolls.

Staff and Workers of Collective Owned Units in Urban Areas  refer to the persons who work in collective owned units in urban areas and their administration departments and receive payment therefrom

Staff and Workers in Units of Other Types of Ownership  refer to those who work in(and receive payment therefrom)enterprises and institutions of joint ownershipshare holdingforeign ownershipand ownership by entrepreneurs from Hong KongMacaoand Taiwan

Fully Employed Staff and Workers refer to persons who work in, and receive wages from their working units, as well as persons who have their work posts, but are temporarily absent from work for reasons of study or on sick, injury or maternal leave and still receive wages from their working units.

Total Wages  refer to the total remuneration payment to staff and workers in various units during a certain period of timeThe calculation of total wages is based on the total remuneration payment to the staff and workers. Therefore all the wages and salaries and other payments to staff and workers are included in the total wages regardless of their sources category and forms (in kind or cash)(Total wages of staff and workers in this yearbook include only total wages of fully employed staff and workers, excluding the living allowances distributed to those who have left their working units while keeping their labour contract/employment relation unchanged)

Bonus  refers to remuneration payment to workers for extra work and for increasing earnings and practicing economy

Subsidies and Allowances  refer to subsidies paid to staff and workers for compensating special or extra labour and allowances paid to staff and workers to offset the impact of inflation on real wages

Average Wage  refers to the average wage in money terms per person during a certain period of time for staff and workers in enterprises, institutions, and government agencies, which reflects the general level of wage income during a certain period of time and is calculated as follows:

Average Wage of Staff and Workers =Total Wages of Staff and Workers in Reference Period/Average Number of Staff and Workers in Reference Period

Index of Average Wage  refers to the ratio of average wage of staff and workers at the report time to that at the reference time. It reflects the relative changing degree of average wage in money terms at the various of time, which is calculated as following:

Index of Average Wage of Staff and Worker = average wage of staff and workers at the report time/average wage of staff and workers at the reference time

Index of Average Real Wage  refers to the average wage which has removed the factor of price change.  Index of average real wage of staff and worker reflects the relative changing degree of average real wage, and indicates the degree of the rising or declining degree of real wage of staff and worker, which is calculated as following:

Index of Average Real Wage of Staff and Worker = (Index of Average Wage of Staff and Worker at the Report Time/Urban Consumer Prices Index at the Report Time) ×100%.