3-14 按产业和注册类型分城镇非私营单位在岗职工人数(年底数)
Number of Staff and Workers in Urban Non-Private Units by Industry and Status of Registration(End of Years)
单位:万人 (10000 persons)
  2003 2005 2010 2019 2020
行业  Sector
  总计 334.08 386.99 485.94 522.82 497.57
    by Registration Status          
    国有单位 147.07 144.51 145.74 118.99 126.18
        State- Owned Units          
    城镇集体单位 23.13 18.19 15.38 6.66 6.32
        Urban Collective- Owned Units          
    其他单位 163.89 224.29 324.83 397.16 365.07
    by Industry          
    第一产业 7.32 7.04 4.47 0.96 0.84
        Primary Industry          
    第二产业 187.93 237.95 309.03 280.35 252.93
        Secondary Industry          
    第三产业 138.84 142.00 172.44 241.52 243.80
        Tertiary Industry          
    By Sector          
    农、林、牧、渔业 7.32 7.04 4.47 0.96 0.84
        Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandy and Fishery          
    采矿业 3.49 4.14 4.69 1.33 1.55
        Mining and Quarrying          
    制造业 152.14 197.82 238.99 163.32 153.66
    电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业 7.81 7.79 9.02 9.98 9.55
        Production and Supply of Electricity Heat Gas and Water          
    建筑业 24.49 28.20 56.33 105.73 88.18
    批发和零售业 11.72 10.54 13.47 22.41 22.20
        Wholesale and Retail Trade          
    交通运输、仓储和邮政业 13.56 13.73 15.55 19.98 20.18
        Transport, Storage and Post Services          
    住宿和餐饮业 4.00 4.69 7.45 8.82 8.13
        Lodgings and Catering Services          
    信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业 2.97 2.92 4.18 10.23 9.78
        Information Transmission,Software and Information
             Technology Services
    金融业 8.14 8.33 10.01 13.65 12.95
    房地产业 3.31 4.78 8.60 16.08 15.63
        Real Estate          
    租赁和商务服务业 3.41 4.66 12.07 16.97 16.33
        Rent and Business Services          
    科学研究和技术服务业 3.53 3.70 5.16 7.08 7.58
        Scientific Reseach and Ploytechnic Services          
    水利、环境和公共设施管理业 3.11 3.53 4.06 5.72 6.20
        Water Conservancy, Environment and Public Facilities
    居民服务、修理和其他服务业 1.26 1.16 1.38 3.24 3.32
        Resident Services, Repair and Others          
    教育 41.69 41.44 43.24 52.71 54.66
    卫生和社会工作 10.89 11.53 14.56 22.67 23.55
        Health Care and Social Work          
    文化、体育和娱乐业 3.03 3.04 3.45 3.46 3.52
        Culture, Sports and Entertainment          
    公共管理、社会保障和社会组织 28.23 27.95 29.26 38.50 39.77
        Public Management, Social Ensure and Social Organizations