19-5 主要年份律师 公证 调解工作情况
Basic Statistics on Lawyers, Notarization and Mediation in Select year
  2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2019
项目  Item
    律师事务所(个) 269 333 454 660 918 1039
        Number of Law Office(unit)            
    专职律师(人) 1803 3115 4455 7211 9512 10676
        Full-time Lawyers(person)            
    兼职律师(人) 544 230 332 426 446 450
        Part-time Lawyers(person)            
    聘请常年法律顾问单位(个) 8384 9889 12876 16310 24020 25470
        Number of Units with Permanent Legal  Advisors(unit)            
    Status of Lawyers'Business            
    民事诉讼(件) 41213 56352 78765 128245 156693 191690
        Civil Cases(case)            
    行政诉讼(件) 2321 2221 2280 4010 7870 11070
        Administrative Action(case)            
    非诉讼法律事务(件) 14649 12259 10331 16905 22966 32829
        Agent of Non-Litigious Legal Affairs(case)            
    解答法律咨询和代写法律事务文书(件) 139391 129436 148256 180682 83353 77523
        Agent of Legal Advisory Services (cases)            
    公证处(个) 95 94 90 90 93 93
        Number of Notary Offices(unit)            
    公证人员(人) 612 644 726 979 1202 1297
        Notarial Personnel(person)            
     #公证员 397 373 374 417 427 442
    办理公证书(件) 400748 418052 422154 491618 554978 547063
        Number of Notarized Documents(piece)            
      国内公证 108344 79364 130143 229152 337075 317111
            Domestic Notarization            
      涉外及港澳台 292404 338688 292011 262466 217903 229952
            Notarization of Foreign-related,Hongkong,   Macao &
                 Taiwan Affairs
    Number of Mediation            
    人民调解委员会(个) 17180 18354 18868 19817 20298 20480
        Number of People's Mediation Committees(unit)            
    调解人员(万人) 26.16 19.15 12.40 9.60 9.71 9.41
        Number of Mediators(10000 persons)            
    调解纠纷(万件) 15.87 14.52 15.30 17.26 12.41 13.32
        Number of Disputes Mediated(10000 cases)            
    专职司法助理员(人) 1103 1356 1842 2481 2253 2575
        Number of Full-time Judicial Assistants(person)            
Note:a)Disputes Mediated do mot exclude those mediated by oral agreements. b)The data Number of Lawyers in 2007 is the number of lawyers with license.