19-3 提供住宿的社会服务机构数
Number of Social Service agency of Accommodation Provider
单位:个 (unit)
项目 Item 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
  合计  Total 440 432 440 363 609
   #光荣院   Homes for Disabled Veterans 26 25 24 24  
    社会福利院   Social Welfare Homes 66 65 65 63 65
    城市养老服务机构   City endowment service agencies 118 117 117    
    农村养老服务机构   Rural endowment service agencies 94 88 97    
    养老公寓等各类养老机构   Pension Apartment       123 202
    社会福利医院   Social Welfare Hospitals 14 15 14 13 13
    儿童福利机构   Baby Welfare Homes 11 11 11 11 10
    救助类服务机构(救助管理站)   Salvage Service Agencies 42 43 43 42 41
    特困人员救助供养机构   Extremely Poor People Salvage Agencies       80 268
Note:1.Since2014,The Rural endowment service agencies excludes village Gerocomium.2.Since 2018,City endowment service agencies and Rural endowment service agencies are merge into Pension Apartment.