18-3 工业污染排放及处理利用情况
Emission and Treatment of Industrial Pollution
项目 Item 2010 2015 2018
  企业基本情况  Enterprises Status      
    汇总企业数(个)   Number of Enterprises(unit) 6080 5971 4760
  工业废水  Industrial Waste Water      
    废水治理设施数(套)   Number of Facilities for Treatment of Waste Water(sets) 3153 3547 3354
  Handling Ability of Facilities for Treatment of Waste Water
       (10000 tons-day)
1135.44 661.44 1170.38
  Operation Expenditure of Facilities(100 million yuan) 12.68 17.36 22.19
    工业废水排放量(万吨)   Volume of Waste Water Discharged(10000 tons) 124168.21 90741.41 147005.37
     #直接排入环境的    Discharged Directly 59215.46 76350.78 128425.14
    工业废水中污染物排放量(吨)   Volume of Pollutants in Waste Water Discharged(ton)      
         Hydrargyrum 0.06 0.02  
         Cadmium 0.45 0.62 0.07
      六价铬    Hexadic Chromium 62.13 0.92 0.19
         Plumum 2.05 3.55 0.49
         Arsenic 1.32 3.08 0.57
      挥发酚    Volatile Hydroxybenzene 10.06 1.97 0.81
      氰化物    Cyanide 58.95 6.68 1.83
      化学需氧量    Volume of Oxygen Required chemically 82946.13 72646.00 23577.83
      石油类    Petroleum 565.24 335.38 81.07
      氨氮    Ammonia and Nitrogen 6613.60 4066.34 1612.29
  工业废气  Industrial Waste Gas      
  Total Volume of Waste Gas Emission(100 million cu.m)   17204.24 19854.87
    废气治理设施数(套)   Number of Facilities for Treatment for Waste Gas(sets) 6470 9016 11227
     #脱硫设施数    Number of Sulphur Removed Facilities 159 257 1303
    废气治理设施设备运行费用(亿元)   Expenditure on Facilities for Treatment of Waste Gas(100
       million yuan)
23.73 43.21 48.03
    工业二氧化硫排放量(万吨)   Volume of Sulphur Dioxide Emission(10000 tons)   31.71 10.00
    工业烟(粉)尘排放量(万吨)   Volume of soot Emission and Dust Emission(10000 tons) 24.01 32.18 15.47
  工业固体废物  Industrial Solid Wastes      
    工业固体废物产生量(万吨)   Volume of Industrial Solid Wastes Produced
       (10000 tons)
7486.58 4956.27 6117.60
  Volume of Industrial Solid Wastes Utilized in a Comprehesive
       way(10000 tons)
6214.89 3784.27 3861.21
   Volume of Industrial Solid Wastes Accumulated in Previous
        Years and utilized in a Comprehensive way(10000 tons)
10.88 71.92 111.84
    工业危险废物产生量(万吨)   Volume of Dangerous Wastes Produced(10000 tons)(10000
8.01 37.31 98.47
    危险废物综合利用量(万吨)   Volume of Dangerous Wastes Utilized in a Comprehesive way
       (10000 tons)
3.44 12.05 48.42
    工业固体废物贮存量(万吨)   Volume of Industrial Solid Wastes Accumulated(10000 tons) 107.73 86.78 190.68
    危险废物贮存量(吨)   Volume of Dangerous Wastes Accumulated(ton) 393.31 61916.02 30900.00
    工业固体废物处置量(万吨)   Volume of Industrial Solid Wastes Treated
       (10000 tons)
1181.14 1157.39 2188.41
     #处置往年贮存量    Volume of Industrial Solid Wastes Treated, Which have been
        Accumulated in Previous years
8.55 0.25 11.52
    危险废物处置量(万吨)   Volume of Dangerous Wastes Treated(10000 tons) 4.98 22.84 53.97
    工业固体废物倾倒丢弃量(万吨)   Volume of Industrial Solid Wastes Discharged(10000 tons) 3.52 0.01 0.66
Note:Before 2010,Discharged Directly only contained Discharged Directly into sea.2011,Industrial Solid Wastes only contained ordinary Solid Wastes.