18-2 城市环境情况
Basic Statistics on City Enviroment
项目 Item 2010 2015 2018
  城市个数(个)  Number of Cities(unit) 23 22 21
  城区人口(万人)  Population of City(10000 persons) 750.41 1181.23 967.64
  城市基础设施投资额(亿元)  Investment on Fundation Facilities
      (100 million yuan)
385.08 597.17 1303.03
  城市面积(平方公里)  Area of City(sq km) 4361.84 4368.15 4048.41
   #建成区面积(平方公里)   Developed Area(sq.km) 1059.00 1413.54 1587.54
  年底供水综合生产能力(万立方米/日)  Production Capacity of Top Water Supply at the Year-end(10000
676.42 717.03 781.26
  全年供水总量(亿立方米)  Volume of Top Water Supply(100 million cu.m) 13.26 16.16 17.52
   #生活用量   Water Consumption for Residential Use
       (100 million cu.m)
6.75 7.59 6.87
  人均日生活用水量(升)  Per Capital Water Consumption for Residential Use(L) 186.62 176.93 210.10
  用水普及率(%)  Percentage of Population with Access to Tap Water(%) 99.5 99.6 99.7
  公交车标准运营车数(标台)  Number of Standard Public Vehicles under Operation(set) 11917 18783 20027
  出租车运营车数(辆)  Number of Taxis under Operation at the Year-end(unit) 18684 24785 20363
  煤气供应总量(亿立方米)  Gaswork Gas Supply(100 million cu.m) 0.27 0.30 0.17
   #家庭用量(亿立方米)   Consumption of Gaswork Gas for Residential Use(100 million
0.19 0.23 0.13
  液化石油气家庭用量(万吨)  Consumption of Liguefied Petroleum Gas for Residential Use
      (10000 tons)
18.89 18.79 17.61
  用气普及率(%)  Percentage of City Population with Access to Gas(%) 98.9 98.6 98.3
  道路长度(公里)  Length of Paved Roads(km) 6756 8415 13325
  道路面积(万平方米)  Area of Paved Roads(10000 sq.m) 12560 16303 26995
  排水管道长度(公里)  Length of Sewage Pipes(km) 9686 13340 16760
  建成区绿化覆盖率(%)  Ratio of Green Areas to City Areas(%) 41.0 43.0 44.3
  公园绿地面积(公顷)  Green Areas of Park(hectare) 10972 15327 19173
  人均公园绿地面积(平方米)  Per Capita Public Green Areas(sq.m) 10.99 12.98 14.62
  公园个数(个)  Number of Parks and Zoos(unit) 392 555 675
  公园面积(公顷)  Area of Parks and Zoos(hectare) 8819 11913 15379
  生活垃圾清运量(万吨)  Volume of Garbage, Excrement and Urine Disposal(10000 tons) 417.30 608.06 874.94
  城市生活垃圾无害化处理率(%)  Percentage of Garbage Disposal with Standard(%) 92.0 99.2 99.9
  城市污水处理率(%)  Percentage of Sewage Disposal of City(%) 84.4 89.5 93.6
  城市污水处理厂集中处理率(%)  Percentage of Sewage Collection Disposal in Factory of City(%) 76.9 87.5 92.3
Note:Before 2011,Population of City is excluding Temporary Population.