16-15 竞技体育比赛奖牌情况
Medals of Athletic Games
项目 Item 2000 2005 2010 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
  世界比赛  International Games 8 25 37 18 12 10.0 19 20
    金牌   Gold Medals 6 15 15 12 8 2.0 9 16
    银牌   Silver Medals 1 8 12 4 1 4.0 6 1
    铜牌   Bronze Medals 1 2 10 2 2 4.0 4 3
  亚洲比赛  Asia Games 20 19 40 25 24 14.0 12 28
    金牌   Gold Medals 10 8 22 15 12 5.0 4 17
    银牌   Silver Medals 6 8 7 5 9 4.0 2 8
    铜牌   Bronze Medals 4 3 11 5 3 4.0 6 3
  全国比赛  National Games 191 134 111 108 97 114.5 129 93
    金牌   Gold Medals 67 46 48 40 39 38.5 44 38
    银牌   Silver Medals 59 51 32 34 32 39.5 39 32
    铜牌   Bronze Medals 65 37 31 34 26 36.5 46 23
Note:In 2017,The Number of Medals in cooperation with other provinces in the National Games is calculated by 0.5.