16-11 广播电视制作播出情况
Statisticts on Wireless Broadcasting and Television
  2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
项目  Item
    本年广播节目制作(小时) 253719 258355 263745 266335 261696
        Produced Programs of Broadcasting the Current Year(hours)          
     #新闻资讯类 52818 55549 52563 54873 55971
            News and Messages          
      专题服务类 66807 66184 75490 72725 62328
            Special Servics          
      综艺益智类 76749 83184 77036 81901 66473
            General arts          
      广告类 17001 16435 12161 9081 10890
    平均每日播音时间(小时) 1436 1434 1426 1449 1456
        Average Broadcasting Time per-day(hours)          
     #播出自制节目 855 853 897 880 864
            Homemade Program          
      购买交换节目 86 95 84 106 116
            Purchased Exchange Program          
    有线广播电视用户数(万户) 730.68 738.89 727.02 716.23 727.40
        Users of Cable TV(10000 household)          
     #数字电视用户数 689.18 715.37 727.02 716.20 727.40
            Users of Digital TV          
    本年电视节目制作(小时) 73986 68977 78353 62379 70246
        Programs of Television the Current Year(hours)          
     #新闻资讯类 25814 25769 26973 25051 25215
            News and Messages          
      专题服务类 18265 15473 16253 15578 17811
            Special Servics          
      综艺益智类 5519 5983 4666 4263 3611
            General arts          
      影视剧类 495 627 295 268 491
            Films and Plays          
      广告类 5914 5365 7183 6782 6523
    本年制作电视剧(集) 108 192 119 280 80
        Produced Television Plays the Current Year(volumes)          
    平均每周播出时间(小时) 6997 7100 7600 7605 7938
        Average Television Time Per-week(hours)          
    全年电视剧播出数(集) 108101 106744 108329 109600 121161
        Number of Television Plays the Current Year(volumes)