15-13 各类学校数
Number of Schools by Field of Study
单位:所 (unit)
年份 普通高等
普通中学   技工学校 小学 幼儿园
Regular Institutions Of Higher Educations Adult Institions of Higher Educations Secondary Vocational Education Regular Secondary Schools Senior Secondary Schools Technical Schools Primary Schools Kinder gartens
1952 5   51 178 67   9081 320
1957 4   41 213 101   12850 1144
1962 18 19 52 408 150   15550 1373
1965 10 2 67 429 152 4 34583 1916
1970 3   1 1301 199   25743  
1975 7 43 36 1089 767 1 33946 1902
1980 16 25 82 1148 821 28 28170 3608
1985 36 18 94 1180 451 35 26607 5210
1990 36 20 103 1362 415 43 19472 7958
1995 30 20 109 1771 404 54 15765 12748
1996 30 20 110 1834 397 85 15603 13315
1997 30 20 111 1880 409 135 15535 13033
1998 30 20 112 1902 427 138 14824 12612
1999 30 20 118 1893 440 110 14355 12522
2000 28 18 118 1921 477 119 13935 11885
2001 32 17 109 1988 523 101 13664 7398
2002 33 16 106 1998 559 93 12924 7329
2003 49 15 355 2006 592 93 12406 7064
2004 53 13 389 2022 614 98 11614 7200
2005 66 9 391 2030 627 93 10560 7541
2006 67 10 403 2020 636 95 9867 7550
2007 74 8 364 1984 616 96 9388 7567
2008 83 7 350 1963 610 91 8566 7508
2009 86 7 312 1936 606 94 7849 7137
2010 84 4 298 1903 575 95 6974 6179
2011 85 4 262 1830 559 71 5947 6813
2012 86 4 251 1783 543 71 5414 7183
2013 87 3 230 1782 544 69 5228 7419
2014 88 3 226 1781 542 66 5167 7591
2015 88 3 217 1780 540 62 5141 7748
2016 88 3 207 1778 533 62 5188 7791
2017 89 3 184 1774 534 62 5190 8041
2018 89 3 180 1784 538 62 5189 8161
2019 90 3 180 1793 544 62 5160 8664