15-4 规模以上工业企业研究与试验发展(R&D)活动情况(2019年)
Research and Development Activities of Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(2019)
项目 规模以上工业企业数
有R&D活动 有研发机构
Number of Enterprises
With R&D Activities With R&D Institutions R&D Personnel
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel Intramural Expenditure for R&D
(10000 yuan)
External Expenditure for R&D
(10000 yuan)
  总计 18365 5305 1703 180365 126089 5985139 203130
    Grouped by Size of Enterprises              
    大型 451 292 172 63815 43970 2370376 99005
    中型 2538 1209 408 55072 39320 1735006 52342
    小型 14183 3741 1112 59657 41189 1775685 49250
    微型企业 1193 63 11 1821 1609 104073 2533
    Grouped by Subordination              
    中央 89 34 12 3168 1615 150203 21864
    地方 408 129 59 9944 7915 391450 27789
    其他 17868 5142 1632 167253 116558 5443486 153477
    Grouped by Status of Registration              
    内资企业 15100 4234 1318 124327 85619 4058879 136960
        Sole Funded              
      国有企业 26 2 1 232 137 1802 174
            State-owned Enterprises              
      集体企业 54 3 1 87 31 900 7
            Collective-owned Enterprises              
      股份合作企业 25 5   88 75 1348 32
            Cooperative Enterprises              
      联营 3            
            Joint Ownership Enterprises              
                State Joint Ownership Enterprises              
        集体联营企业 2            
                Collective-owned Joint Ownership Enterprises              
                State and Collective-owned Joint Ownership Enterprises              
        其他联营企业 1            
                Other Joint Ownership Enterprises              
      有限责任公司 1518 486 201 25796 18335 950803 67687
            Limited-Liability Corporations              
        国有独资公司 96 24 6 1571 513 16924 17513
                State Sole Funded Corporations              
        其他责任有限公司 1422 462 195 24225 17822 933879 50174
                Other Limited-Liability Corporations              
      股份有限公司 180 121 64 12962 8623 438961 22178
            Share Holding Corporations Ltd.              
      私营企业 13292 3617 1051 85162 58419 2665065 46882
            Private Enterprises              
        私营独资企业 245 33 9 382 281 20241 20
                Private Sole Funded Enterprises              
        私营合伙企业 57 3   14 6 628 50
                Private Joint-venture Enterprises              
        私营有限责任公司 12619 3318 931 66555 46703 1999418 22696
                Private Limited-Liability Corporations              
        私营股份有限公司 371 263 111 18211 11428 644779 24117
                Private Share Holding Corporations Ltd.              
      其他企业 2            
            Other Enterprises              
    港澳台商投资企业 2104 680 224 35060 25551 1196932 21742
        Funds from HongKong, Macao,TaiWan              
      合资经营企业(港或澳、台资) 458 182 64 10544 7906 336637 10554
            Joint-venture Enterprises              
      合作经营企业(港或澳、台资) 9 2   12 6 1049  
            Cooperative Enterprises              
      港、澳、台商独资经营企业 1590 460 140 21474 15205 769636 10384
            Enterprises with Sole Fund              
      港、澳、台商投资股份有限公司 42 33 17 2908 2348 86545 804
            Share Holding Corporations Ltd.              
      其他港澳台商投资企业 5 3 3 122 86 3066  
    外商投资企业 1161 391 161 20978 14918 729328 44428
        Foreign Funded Enterprises              
       #中外合资 305 125 50 5657 3843 213458 14571
                Joint Venture              
      中外合作 12 5 1 422 167 12966 1754
            Cooperative Operation              
      外商独资 813 247 102 12680 8961 396138 26072
            Venture Exclusively with  Foreign Investment              
      外商投资股份有限公司 18 11 6 2141 1887 105721 2031
            Share Holding Corporations Ltd.              
      其他外商投资企业 13 3 2 78 61 1046  
    Grouped by Sector              
    采矿业 333 46 8 924 621 22600 2777
      煤炭开采和洗选业 56 6 5 79 31 644 19
            Coal Mining and Dressing              
      黑色金属矿采选业 68 14   245 194 7902 2047
            Ferrous Metals  Mining and Dressing              
      有色金属矿采选业 41 7 2 187 143 6377 661
            Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing              
      非金属矿采选业 168 19 1 413 253 7677 50
            Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing              
    制造业 17670 5208 1684 176906 124373 5890731 176293
      农副食品加工业 1167 299 108 5904 4085 217374 3039
            Agricultural and Sideline Products Processing              
      食品制造业 632 195 88 4114 2962 112413 2442
            Food Manufacturing              
      酒、饮料和精制茶制造业 575 136 34 2753 1988 91221 1090
            Wine,Drink and Tea Manufacturing              
      烟草制品业 7 5 1 219 111 4263 415
            Tobacco Processing              
      纺织业 985 232 74 6867 5018 221035 980
            Textile Industry              
      纺织服装、服饰业 1378 169 21 5012 3757 143160 820
            Textile Garments Products              
1342 232 46 9795 6938 251726 14662
            Leather , Furs , Down and Relate Products              
829 191 29 2438 1782 70104 591
            Timber Processing,Bamboo,Cane,Palm Fiber and Straw
      家具制造业 373 77 25 1666 1227 39425 78
            Furniture Manufacturing              
      造纸和纸制品业 455 102 35 3046 2282 114483 188
            Papermaking and Paper Products              
      印刷和记录媒介复制业 264 50 15 1217 894 37331 101
            Printing and Record Medium Reproduction              
1019 217 55 5374 3714 132567 806
            Cultural , Educational and Sports Goods              
      石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业 43 13 5 287 135 22979 2743
            Petroleum Processing , Coking and Nuclear Fuel
      化学原料和化学制品制造业 750 302 91 6505 4509 257644 5769
            Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products              
      医药制造业 178 122 55 3357 2269 101255 24664
            Medical and Pharmaceutical Products              
      化学纤维制造业 104 49 13 3064 2206 138759 1600
            Chemical Fiber              
      橡胶和塑料制品业 868 276 93 7571 5198 223883 391
            Rubber and Plastic Products              
      非金属矿物制品业 1819 475 100 10921 7167 356146 2725
            Nonmetal Minerals Products              
      黑色金属冶炼和压延加工业 140 23 13 3294 2787 289103 4563
            Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals              
      有色金属冶炼和压延加工业 144 52 20 3711 2549 213038 4787
            Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals              
      金属制品业 906 261 85 7137 5066 184824 690
            Metal Products              
      通用设备制造业 654 255 96 8326 6260 219550 20392
            General Equipment              
      专用设备制造业 625 325 113 9115 6526 233430 8047
            Special Purpose Equipment              
      汽车制造业 378 175 68 6586 5030 250299 8860
            Car Manufacturing              
167 46 24 1821 1397 38405 1270
            Railway,Watercraft,Aviation and others transportation
      电气机械和器材制造业 708 317 132 18058 10913 688929 10285
            Electric Equipment and Machinery              
709 454 192 34478 24563 1145418 48955
            Computer,Communication and other Electronic Equipment              
      仪器仪表制造业 192 107 37 3023 2079 61697 3882
            Instruments and Meters Machinery              
      其他制造业 153 28 13 890 714 20827 420
            Others Manufacturing              
      废弃资源综合利用业 77 16 2 193 134 6918 943
            Waste Resources and Materials Recovering              
      金属制品、机械和设备修理业 29 7 1 164 113 2527 96
            Metals,Machinery and Equipment maintenance              
362 51 11 2535 1095 71808 24060
        Production and Supply of Electric Power   and Hot Power              
      电力、热力生产和供应业 233 28 5 1869 677 56138 23318
            Production and Supply of Electric Power and  Hot Power              
      燃气生产和供应业 52 10 5 421 330 12583 644
            Production and Supply of Gas              
      水的生产和供应业 77 13 1 245 89 3087 98
            Production and Supply of Water              
    Grouped by City              
    福州市 2539 841 242 35573 23665 1261201 40250
    厦门市 2308 921 461 45800 34997 1196832 62623
    莆田市 1159 194 115 7305 5124 342799 5125
    三明市 1741 348 74 6640 4730 261038 6503
    泉州市 5080 1284 262 36282 24945 1116149 40225
    漳州市 2318 804 272 22545 16165 689059 17399
    南平市 1031 365 78 7551 5471 212736 2820
    龙岩市 1129 454 152 10920 7609 495741 18059
    宁德市 1060 94 47 7749 3382 409584 10126