14-19 国内旅游人数及旅游收入
Number of Domestic Tourists and Exchange Earnings
  2000 2005 2010 2015 2017 2018 2019
项目  Item
  国内旅游者人数(万人次) 2942.00 5683.92 11956.61 26128.60 37534.00 45138.93 52697.08
    Total Number of Domestic  Tourist
         (10000 person-time)
    住宿设施接待人数 2010.00 3556.00 5935.03 11088.24 15446.41 17798.79 20442.93
        In Hotel              
    居民家庭接待人数 262.00 373.36 736.47 2077.49 3459.48 4417.20 5212.22
        In Household              
    一日游游客人数 670.00 1754.56 5285.11 12962.87 18628.18 22922.93 27041.92
        For One Day              
  国内旅游收入(亿元) 230.80 578.03 1202.25 2798.16 4570.77 6032.95 7393.43
    Domestic Tourism Receipts(100 million yuan)              
    外省游客消费 143.70 320.91 655.16 1285.42 2327.09 3011.85 3394.37
        Consumption of Tourists  from Other Provinces              
    本省多日游游客消费 77.20 208.87 342.28 1047.21 1535.40 2010.35 2605.38
        Consumption of Tourists     Inside the Province              
    一日游游客消费 9.90 48.25 204.81 465.53 708.28 1010.75 1393.68
        Consumption of Tourists for  One Day              
Note:Due to quanzhou tourism census, the domestic tourism and domestic tourism income have been adjusted in 2010 and 2011