14-8 亿元以上商品交易市场成交情况(2019年)
Transaction Value of Commodity Markets with Trade over 100 Million Yuan by Region(2019)
项目 Item    
Number of Stalls
Transaction Value
(10000 yuan)
  总计  Total 43062 14883949
    粮油、食品类   Grain,Oil and Foods 20835 7762304
    饮料类   Beverages 2883 369618
    烟酒类   Tobacco and Liquor 320 316457
    服装、鞋帽、针纺织品类   Garments,shoes,Caps and Textiles 9001 1874270
      服装类    Clothing 7262 1513248
      鞋帽类    Shoes and Hats 975 145735
      针纺织品类    Knitwear and Textiles 764 215287
    化妆品类   Cosmetics 77 10963
    金银珠宝类   Gold,Silver and Jewelry 1419 955241
    日用品类   Articles for Daily Use 1063 217443
    五金、电料类   Hardware and Electrical Materials 584 47821
    体育、娱乐用品类   Sports and Recreation Articles 96 67703
    书报杂志类   Newspapers and Magazines 2 42
    电子出版物及音像制品类   E-journal and Video Products 7 358
    家用电器和音像器材类   Household Appliances and Video  Appliances 374 60551
    中西药品类   Traditional Chinese and Western  Medicines 85 15911
     #西药类    Western Medicines 4 2238
      中草药及中成药类    Chinese Herbal Medicine and Mid-product Medicine 76 12845
    文化办公用品类   Cultural and Official Goods 577 88690
    家具类   Furniture 676 286232
    通讯器材类   Communication Appliances 89 5797
    煤炭及制品类   Coal and Related Products    
    木材及制品类   Wood and Wooden Products 478 75770
    石油及制品类   Petroleum and Related Products 2 63
    化工材料及制品类   Raw Chemical Materials 11 2685
    金属材料类   Metal Materrials 117 402433
    建筑及装潢材料类   Building and Decoration Materials 2482 1507725
    机电产品及设备类   Mechanical and Electrical Products and Equipment 129 5108
    汽车类   Vehicles 374 566087
    种子饲料类   Seed and Feedstuff 180 37486
    棉麻类   Cotton and Ramie    
    其他类   Others 1201 207191